Monday 9 July 2012

Solution Zone...Phoenix Interviews Trevor Baylis Inventor of the wind up radio

Back in 2010 a very early proto type,Solutions Zone TV trial interview with the incredible Trevor Baylis Inventor of the wind up radio,wind up computer and supporter of many new inventors.
This incredible man has a long history,he used to be a circus performer and escapologist.Performing the famous Houdini trick of escaping from a straight jacket and chains while suspended upside down in a glass water cabinet.
He has featured on many TV shows,we spent a very intresting afternoon at his home on Eel Pie Island,discussing inventions and Solutions.He even offered us a space at his place for a Solutions Zone studio space to do interviews,with a backdrop of the Thames.
Eel pie island was very famous in the 60s and 70s as a home for the alternative movement,many famous bands such as the Rolling Stones played there. NB Apologies for the rough edit.

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