Saturday 14 July 2012

Diggers Camp Eviction Resisted Epic Bambuser Video

A great day resisting the 3rd eviction attempt.The baliff turned up with 3 yellow jacketed security and the 3 on site security carrying an axe to demolish the Saxon replica longhouse.Escorted by 2 police.After a prolonged delaying tactic of doing the washing up one brave digger climbed into the rafters.Shortly followed by another climbing through the trees into the cross beams. This tactic led to a 2 hour stand off with the inexperienced bailiff and security being told they could not knock down the structure with people on it and they would have to get more 'troops' and a professional climbing team.The police stood by and watched bemusedly occasionaly asking us to come down. Once they mentioned 'breach of the peace' but were told in no uncertain terms 3 times,we are very peacefull people there is NO breach of the peace here.After a couple of hours of frontline comedy banter and a few singings of the Diggers song.The forces of yellow beat a hasty retreat around 7.30pm 3 hours after they arrived.The forces of babylon do not like trying to evict after dark and we descended to make tea and contnue coooking dinner. Viva the resistance dig in for victory you Cant kill the spirit.The bailiff said they would take up to 2 weeks to add a criminal sanction on to what is still a civil dispute betweeen the landowner and the Diggers. Together we are challenging the monopoly of the land owning 1% and the banksters who are holding the country to ransom.(£465 billion they got while we have all our public services,community centres,hospitals,schools cut) The camp reminds me of some of the hey days of the road protest movement of the 90's that helped in some way to seed the 'Climate camp' and 'Occupy Movements' Land distribution and growing food locally is a key point in the quest for sustainability and a peacefull future.As we are in the age of peek oil we need to Dig in for victory as in the war years ,grow locally rather than shipping food from round the planet. As a Kenyan woman put it at the Copenhagen Climate Summit: we want food sovereignty in our own country. Land and freedom. Hope to see you soon at Runnymede a place that has inspired the world,from the days of the Magna Carta to the present day.It is a place for people to gather and demand that our in-alienable rights are upheld.That arbitrary and unjust laws are not enforced.(Ref new criminalising homless/squatting in residential buildings being attempted to be enforced from September)This draconian law will be resisted in many ways. Keep networking 'other worlds are possible'. Come visit more info at facebook 'make the waste land grow' or 'diggers 2012' twitter @freetheland or #diggers2012 More bambuser videos viewable below link above.

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