UK Parliament 'Beheads Democracy' With EU Exit Bill
UK Parliament 'Beheads Democracy' With EU Exit Bill
Public interest organisations and opposition leaders slammed the EU Withdrawal Bill as the biggest threat to parliamentary democracy in decades, explains journalist Steve Topple

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Sharmini Peries: It's the real news network, I'm Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore. The executive branch of the British government and its leader has been accused of a sinister power grab in reference to the increasingly authoritarian rule of prime minister Theresa May, a power grab so severe that some civil society organizations dubbed it 'beheading of democracy.' This came into debate the day after the referendum on the Brexit, which triggered the great repeal bill now called the EU exit bill. Related to all of this, on Tuesday parliament voted 320 to 301, a slim margin, to allow the UK prime minister Theresa May the ability to dominate every parliamentary select committee in the house of parliament. This will allow dozens of crucial laws to be passed without a meaningful debate and opposition scrutiny effecting everything from health and safety protections to worker's rights. This is despite the fact that even the conservative party does not hold a majority in the house of parliament and despite many ranking parliamentarians including from her own party, has objected to this kind of a power grab.
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