GNUnet is an alternative network stack for building secure, decentralized and privacy-preserving distributed applications. Our goal is to replace the old insecure Internet protocol stack. Starting from an application for secure publication of files, it has grown to include all kinds of basic protocol components and applications towards the creation of a GNU internet.
GNUnet is an official GNU package. GNUnet can be downloaded from GNU (ftp) and the GNU mirrors (ftp).
Regenerative Ecovillage Solutions for the Bonn Climate Summit
Rob Wheeler, Yvette Dzakpasu & Kosha Joubert
Friday, 8th September 2017
Ecovillages are catalysts for change, showing that it is possible to reduce carbon footprints, and create sustainable communities worldwide.
This November the UN Climate Summit (COP23) will be held in Bonn, Germany, where the imperative will be how to massively scale-up and effectively implement the Paris Climate Agreement. The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) strongly believes that sustainable communities are already making significant contributions to climate change mitigation and adaptation. It is GEN’s mandate to underscore the importance that ecovillages are making towards our collective climate commitments.
"The most important thing we can do is change the narrative. We need to tell stories about solutions and give people hope rather than struggle with the overwhelming sense of weight and isolation that we feel when we only focus on the problems of the world. We need to encourage, co-operate and inspire our friends, family and community. The solutions to the problems of the world already exist. They just need to be made visible to the public eye so we can implement them at the global scale. Once we expand our worldview to acknowledge the vast scope of the new models, we can create positive change exponentially. Global Solutions Day and The Solutions Revolution are exciting invitations to each and all of us."
Global Solutions Day is an open and spontaneous invitation for solutions-oriented people, organisations, projects, communities, tribes, networks and alliances, to self-organise a local and simple event in the nearest city. The intention for each event is to celebrate and promote all the world's solutions and solutions-oriented collectives - AND to physically demonstrate our shared intention to UNIFY and COLLABORATE!
We gather to celebrate the fact that we already have an abundance of common sense, ingenious, grassroots and scalable ecological solutions, social & technological innovations, alternative political & economic models for us to co-create the most beautiful world we can imagine and embody.
We celebrate our growing understanding and acceptance that we, The People, truly have the power to collectively realise a Cultural Metamorphosis and a whole-systems transformation of human society - when we work together. And the countless "solutions" show us HOW we can do this.
We unite locally and in person to connect with other like-spirited and unity-oriented collectives so we may learn and share with each other - and the general public - about all the amazing people and projects who are pioneering a more beautiful world.
We unite globally to show ourselves and all of humanity how many we are and to publicly invite ONE AND ALL into this peaceful and paradigm-shifting Global Unification.
Global Solutions Day is an unprecedented unified civic action that is already supported (informally) by hundreds of inspiring and unifying collectives from around the world!
We are Calling All Tribes for Global Unity and Collaboration to bring our solutions, tools, practices, new models and visions into the streets and parks so that our "mainstream" people can learn how hundreds of millions of people are creating a more beautiful world.
Local solutionary and innovative groups and projects to connect with include:
Transition Towns
Ecovillages & Intentional Communities
Permaculture & Agroecology
Holistic Education & Learning
Personal Development, Holistic Healing & Shamanism
New Economy, Basic Income & Money-free Society
Artists, Musicians & Performers
Sacred Sexuality, Dance & Free Movement
Food Rescuing & Gift Culture
Women's circles & Men's circles
Conscious Communication & Peace-Builders
Social Entrepreneurs & Innovation Hubs
"We wholeheartedly embrace the Global Solutions Day taking place on September 23. This date fits perfectly with the World Peace and Global Unity Campaign. Saturday the 23rd falls on the World Peace Weekend that follows the International Day of a Peace taking place on September 21"
Gather the Tribes - Connect with and invite different solutions-oriented groups in your area to join forces and inspiration for this co-creative and unifying global event. Click here for a template invitation to send out.
Agree to meet and connect with co-creators beforehand in a park (for example) around the September 21st, Equinox.
On the day, at your chosen location - in the city centre - create an inviting and open "Global Solutions & Inspiration Hub". This space can include the following:
Shiny smiling people!
Inspiring and colourful banners (click here for suggestions) - including the address of this website to refer people to more information and ways to participate.
"Inspiration Boards" outlining the common visions, intentions and practical steps for Global Solutions Day, The Solutions Revolution, The New Earth Directory, The Global Unity Declaration and our "Cultural Metamorphosis". Click here for suggestions.
Promotional materials of participating collectives and like-spirited global and local events
Music & Art
Children's area (all is optional :)
Invite people who are interested to take a photo of the banners - especially with the website - and let them know that they can play an immediate role in promoting and supporting global solutions and global unity by posting the photo(s) in social media - or even using the image as a facebook cover photo!
Film as much as possible. Do short interviews inviting feedback and personal impressions.
Organise a group for the World's Biggest Global Synchronised Peace Meditation in a nearby park for September 24th. After the meditation co-create an open space for discussing (y)our next steps as a regional collective for Global Unity and Solutions Awareness.
"There has never been a more important time to bring alternative solutions to light. It is clear that the old systems are no longer serving us. We cannot wait for something or someone to save us. We are the ones we've been waiting for and the time is now!"
Starr McKinnon, Ubuntu Planet Ambassador
Steps to Organize and Participate - and to promote Global Unity
To organise
Step 1. Pick a busy, but open location in your nearest city, create the event here [link will be on website], and announce it on the Global Solutions Day facebook page. We suggest picking a location near The Eye Contact Experiment, also happening on the 23rd (if there's one happening in your city), so you can promote their deeply aligned and popular event: the solution of human connection. Step 2. Find, connect and meet with local co-creators. The suggested format is relatively quick and easy to organise so one meeting, even the day before, should be enough. Step 3. Coordinate banner and inspiration board preparations. Step 4. Show up, have fun & go with the flow Step 5. Celebrate!
To participate
Step 1. Share the event and this website throughout your networks Step 2. Show up, have fun & go with the flow Step 3. Celebrate!
All the values that Silicon Valley professes are the values of the 60s. The big tech companies present themselves as platforms for personal liberation. Everyone has the right to speak their mind on social media, to fulfil their intellectual and democratic potential, to express their individuality. Where television had been a passive medium that rendered citizens inert, Facebook is participatory and empowering. It allows users to read widely, think for themselves and form their own opinions.
We can’t entirely dismiss this rhetoric. There are parts of the world, even in the US, where Facebook emboldens citizens and enables them to organise themselves in opposition to power. But we shouldn’t accept Facebook’s self-conception as sincere, either. Facebook is a carefully managed top-down system, not a robust public square. It mimics some of the patterns of conversation, but that’s a surface trait.
Please send a 3 min phone video about your favourite solution for environment,community,economy,housing,transport,sustainability,people and planet etc
it could be an idea,project,Place,technique,invention etc in a message/or post to Solution Zone FB page. Http:// For broadcast on 'Solutions Now' Show this sat.23
Keep networking sustainable solutions.
Join up with the global map of solutions groups working for a sustainable future.
Solutions Now! - Global Video link up fb event :
Youtube Channel for broadcast (11am to 6pm): Solution Zone Tv
UK Parliament 'Beheads Democracy' With EU Exit Bill
Public interest organisations and opposition leaders slammed the EU Withdrawal Bill as the biggest threat to parliamentary democracy in decades, explains journalist Steve Topple
Sharmini Peries: It's the real news network, I'm Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore. The executive branch of the British government and its leader has been accused of a sinister power grab in reference to the increasingly authoritarian rule of prime minister Theresa May, a power grab so severe that some civil society organizations dubbed it 'beheading of democracy.' This came into debate the day after the referendum on the Brexit, which triggered the great repeal bill now called the EU exit bill. Related to all of this, on Tuesday parliament voted 320 to 301, a slim margin, to allow the UK prime minister Theresa May the ability to dominate every parliamentary select committee in the house of parliament. This will allow dozens of crucial laws to be passed without a meaningful debate and opposition scrutiny effecting everything from health and safety protections to worker's rights. This is despite the fact that even the conservative party does not hold a majority in the house of parliament and despite many ranking parliamentarians including from her own party, has objected to this kind of a power grab.
TRNN SPECIAL: Trump, The Koch Brothers and Their War on Climate Science
A documentary special reveals how climate change science has been under systematic attack; the multi-million dollar campaign allowed a climate change denier to be elected president (a new version with updated content and music)
I support The Real News Network because it is news - David Pear
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DANNY GLOVER: 2016 was the hottest year on record, topping a decade of increasingly warm years. Powerful storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, declining ice caps, and droughts stalk the planet.
MICHAEL MANN: There's anywhere from 97% to 99% consensus among the world's scientists studying this problem, that climate change is real and human caused.