
Wednesday 24 December 2014

Love Activist Press Release network it Viva the Uprising 2015 Operations Homes for All #OLSX @occupynn

Love Activist Press Release
Love Activists and Squatter and Homeless Autonomy (S.H.A.) have seized a disused RBS bank abandoned for two years in the heart of Westminster; a building that has been taken by the people, for the people. RBS was bailed out £46 billion by the taxpayer, equating a loss of £1500 per UK taxpayer. This means RBS are 82% owned by the people of the UK. This is a public repossession. Despite the 1.5 million empty buildings, There are 110,000 homeless people in the UK this winter, and squatting is a direct solution to this housing crisis. We demand a repeal of the 2012 laws, which have outlawed squatting of residential buildings. This could provide adequate housing solutions to the homeless.
We have opened up the space as a community area, completely separate from the greedy capitalist structure of modern society. The community will provide a free meal center for those living on the street, and to gather support to continue this project. A planned Christmas dinner will take place on Christmas day supported by Beat 'n Street Kitchen, and Food not Bombs. Our aims are to continue to provide food to the homeless, and a safe space for them to rest. Further to this, there are several spaces on the upper floors for groups wishing to hold events, workshops and talks. We would love for the whole community to be involved with this space.
Finally, we demand an end to the increasingly militarised Police and State violence and repression against those most marginalised and voiceless. We want homes, not banks and jails. Survive, protest, resist, reclaim. We will continue to expropriate wealth and space on behalf of the people. Everything that is necessary is just. Love Activists and S.H.A. say DRAG 'EM OUT (‪#‎dragemout‬)

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