
Wednesday 24 December 2014

Come visit Love HQ 2a Charing Cross Rd bring,food,pots presents,xmas cheer,bedding,addresses of empty buildings,crow bars,tools,donations for the FREE SHOP,see u there to plot the end of the housing crisis and Homes for all.Lets organise our world for people before profit

Come visit Love HQ 2a Charing Cross Rd bring,food,pots presents,xmas cheer,bedding,addresses of empty buildings,crow bars,tools,donations for the FREE SHOP,see u there to plot the end of the housing crisis and Homes for all.Lets organise our world for people before profit 90,000 children homeless this xmas is 90,000 to many. Lets make it zero next year recycle the 1.5 million empty buildings to create homes and employment.National Housing debate lets get it rolling from the pages of the Guardian,to the streets,to the Houses of Parliament and the dusty halls of Whitehall.enuf is enuf time for a common sense sane housing policy......debate figures to follow....
Figures from empty homes agency over five years ago there are over 900,000 empty residential buildings in the UK And over 600,000 non-residential buildings which equals 1 1/2 million empty buildings

Figures from homeless charity advert over 90,000 children across England Scotland and Wales will wake up homeless on Christmas (centre point?)

Anti residential squatting law  was brought in for landlords profits helping to keep property empty in London and prices high

The truth is that they restrict the supply of housing to deliberately keep rents and prices high

Crisis report 2011 states 39% of single homeless people who interviewed had squatted at some point
House prices have risen 30% in London in the last year
Also mention advisory service for squatters alliance of renters,,homeless,tenants,squatters travellers and precariously housed

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