Thursday, 14 January 2016

Femmes et climat | Appel #genderequality #women #climate #action

Femmes et climat | Appel

We, Presidents of the High Council for Gender Equality, of the Delegation for Women’s Rights of the National Assembly and of the Senate of France, as well as partner institutions and associations, wish to share our ambition aiming at obtaining a solid political and financial commitment in support of women’s empowerment and gender equality in the expected Paris Agreement, to be concluded at the COP 21 (21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) taking place in Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015.
We have elaborated the attached plea document titled « Women, as actors in addressing climate change » aiming at convincing State-Parties and their negotiators of the importance of taking due account of women’s contribution in combating climate change, in the Agreement currently under negotiation. As you will see, beyond being the first victims of the consequences of climate change in developing countries, women are already major actors as regards sustainable development, despite the many constraints they face. Their contribution is insufficiently recognized and their access to decision-making processes as well as to funding mechanisms and technology transfers remain, as of now, limited. Women will be all the more efficient as they become empowered and fully exercise their rights.
The Appeal that we open to your signature « Supporting Women in addressing Climate change : why we are committed? » aims at mobilizing as largely as possible political leaders and the civil society all around the world. It is through collective action that we’ll succeed in incorporating explicitly gender equality and women’s empowerment in the COP 21 Agreement itself, as well as in the strategies and funds allocated to addressing climate change. We thank you for your valued support through signing this Appeal and invite you to circulate it widely among your friends and colleagues.

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