Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Pictures and Video from the Balls to the Budget Protest #Balls2TheBudget #Budget2015 » DPAC #onn #olsx #protest #budget

Pictures and Video from the Balls to the Budget Protest #Balls2TheBudget #Budget2015 » DPAC

<iframe src="https://embed.theguardian.com/embed/video/uk-news/video/2015/jul/08/balls-to-the-budget-protesters-demonstrate-against-welfare-cuts-video" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Massive Banner Dropped across the Thames opposite Parliament - reads "'Balls2TheBudget #DPAC"
Massive Banner Dropped across the Thames opposite Parliament – reads “‘Balls2TheBudget #DPAC”. Photo by Kate Belgrave (@Hangbitch).
The massive banner you can see above was made by the Banner Collective @blacbanner (Anna, Anton, Robin, Seamus and Sharon). DPAC are hugely grateful to them for making it for us in memory of @moriarty107 who passed away #RIP.
DPAC also want to thank Class War, Streets Kitchen,  Black Dissidents, London Latinxs, Columbian Women in Action, Occupy, Brick Lane Debates, Winvisible, London Black Revs, Reclaim Hackney, Camden Resists, Never Again Ever, Global Women’s Strike, People Before Profit and Fuel Poverty Action and all that supported us on the 8th for joining with us to make the day such a massive success.
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of crips;
For them to-day that marches or tweets with me
Shall be my sibling; be they ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle their condition;
And crips in England now watching Wimbledon on BBC2
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their wobbly bits cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon #Balls2theBudget day.
With apologies to William Shakespeare (from Henry V)
There follows pictures, tweets and videos of the protest, hope you enjoy the show:
There are more photosets here
‘Balls to the Budget’ budget day Downing St protest in London  by @Peter_Marshall
Michael Segalov (@MikeSegalov) on Buzzfeed:  http://www.buzzfeed.com/michaelsegalov/dpac-protest

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