Friday, 31 July 2015
Thor God of Thunder presents a 'Burlesque Cabaret of the Gods' this months Theme "Bohemianism" THIS Fri!! 31st July. £6 on the Door @ 'The Hive' 260 Kingsland Rd, Dalston. Doors 8.15pm #onn #olsx #cabaret #hive #respaces #burlesque
Thor God of Thunder presents a 'Burlesque Cabaret of the Gods' this months Theme "Bohemianism" THIS Fri!! 31st July. £6 on the Door @ 'The Hive' 260 Kingsland Rd, Dalston. Doors 8.15pm. BYOB Dirty Sexy Jazz & Blues by Lady Layton 2 Start. Extraordinary Burlesque & Cabaret Acts inc Lou Safire, Bitter & Twisted, Ticketty Boo, Sapphire Rox & Count Chronos Morte. Roll Up! Roll Up! For the Godliest Burlesque Show of the Decade
Thursday, 30 July 2015
London minibus to Earth First! Gathering. Leaving wed 19th 7am carpark Ruislip Station & 8am Brent Cross Station carpark. Returning Sunday 23rd eve. to book. Pls forward to all Londoners who might be keen #onn #olsx
London minibus to Earth First! Gathering. Leaving wed 19th 7am carpark Ruislip Station & 8am Brent Cross Station carpark. Returning Sunday 23rd eve. to book. Pls forward to all Londoners who might be keen! X
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Thor God of Thunder presents a 'Burlesque Cabaret of the Gods' thismonths Theme "Bohemianism" THIS Fri!! 31st July
Thor God of Thunder presents a 'Burlesque Cabaret of the Gods' this months Theme "Bohemianism" THIS Fri!! 31st July. £6 on the Door @ 'The Hive' 260 Kingsland Rd, Dalston. Haggerston overland Doors 8.15pm. BYOB Dirty Sexy Jazz & Blues by Lady Layton 2 Start. Extraordinary Burlesque & Cabaret Acts inc Lou Safire, Bitter & Twisted, Ticketty Boo, Sapphire Rox & Count Chronos Morte. Roll Up! Roll Up! For the Godliest Burlesque Show of the Decade
Interference Archive-an archive from below, we are a collectively run space that is people powered #onn #olsx #archive #protest
Interference Archive
The mission of Interference Archive is to explore the relationship between cultural production and social movements. This work manifests in an open stacks archival collection, publications, a study center, and public programs including as exhibitions, workshops, talks, and screenings, all of which encourage critical and creative engagement with the rich history of social movements.
The archive contains many kinds of objects that are created as part of social movements by the participants themselves: posters, flyers, publications, photographs, books, T-shirts and buttons, moving images, audio recordings, and other materials.
Through our programming, we use this cultural ephemera to animate histories of people mobilizing for social transformation. We consider the use of our collection to be a way of preserving and honoring histories and material culture that is often marginalized in mainstream institutions.
As an all-volunteer organization, all members of our community are welcome and encouraged to shape our collection and programming; we are a space for all volunteers to learn from each other and develop new skills. We work in collaboration with like-minded projects, and encourage critical as well as creative engagement with our own histories and current struggles.
As an archive from below, we are a collectively run space that is people powered, with open stacks and accessibility for all. We are supported by the community that believes in what we’re doing. Our operational expenses are paid by individuals who give regular monthly donations, through the support of one-time financial gifts of any amount, and through donations from classes that visit our space. Please consider supporting our work.
We welcome you to get involved!
Closed Exhibition – Disobedient Objects - Victoria and Albert Museum
Closed Exhibition – Disobedient Objects - Victoria and Albert Museum
From Suffragette teapots to protest robots, this exhibition was the first to examine the powerful role of objects in movements for social change. It demonstrated how political activism drives a wealth of design ingenuity and collective creativity that defy standard definitions of art and design.
From Suffragette teapots to protest robots, this exhibition was the first to examine the powerful role of objects in movements for social change. It demonstrated how political activism drives a wealth of design ingenuity and collective creativity that defy standard definitions of art and design.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
NEW weekly chakra balancing Hatha Yoga class every Wednesday at
NEW weekly chakra balancing Hatha Yoga class every Wednesday at hive dalston from 7-8.15pm with Fouzia! Unwaged £5/waged £8 Suitable for all levels. Bring a yoga mat if you have one! And weekly Wednesday evening Meditation drop in at hive dalston from 8.30-9.30pm with Fouzia! Perfect for beginners & those with a regular meditation practice. Suggested donation £5 unwaged/ £8 waged. Come and bring more inner peace, balance and harmony into your life!. Bring a yoga mat if you have one!
Investigating Companies: Do-It-Yourself | Corporate Watch #onn #olsx
Investigating Companies: Do-It-Yourself | Corporate Watch
Welcome to the online version of Investigating Companies: A Do-It-Yourself Handbook. The more you know about companies that are messing you around, the more effective your challenge against them can be. This handbook is designed to help you find the information you need. The focus is on UK companies but most of the information is relevant to companies wherever they are based. You can order a copy of the print version here.
Use the contents and quick links below to find the bits that are useful to you. The handbook will be regularly updated so please get in touch at the details here to let us know what you have used it for, if you think something has been missed, or if you have suggestions for future editions. We also run workshops and training sessions on looking into companies, including how to read company accounts. Contact us or sign up for our email updates (from the front page) for more details.
All Corporate Watch's publications are free to read online. If you like what you read, please consider making a donation, or becoming a regular subscriber (for £5 or more a month you'll receive all our publications as they come out!).
Making good use of abandoned buildings - The Hive, London | The Conscious Resistance Network #onn #olsx #commons #respace #community #hackney #dalston #sustainable #art #activism
Making good use of abandoned buildings - The Hive, London | The Conscious Resistance Network
Making good use of abandoned buildings – The Hive, London
Have you ever seen empty buildings that are just sat there slowly rotting away and not being put to good use? Whilst you are passing by them do you ever dream of doing something constructive with them that will benefit the local community as a whole?
There’s hundreds of thousands if not millions of disused and derelict buildings all over the world gradually decomposing to a slow death for a variety of reasons. The main one being that a company has declared itself bankrupt and there are no buyers to move in to the premises that has been abandoned. Sometimes squatters will move in and use them as a living space or even to put on free-tekno parties and this has been the case here in London for the best part of the last 30 years. There was a building that became available to lease at a fair price in Hackney, North London and this gave the guys behind ‘The Hive’ an idea… Why not turn this space in to a self-funded and independant Arts, Culture and Environmental centre? A place that catered for everyone in the local community and beyond, a place where people could come and be creative, a place where love was based over profit, a place where people could come in and educate themselves and a place where people could come, have an active part to play in and feel part of something special. And this truly is something special.
I had the honour of visiting The Hive recently and it’s an experience I will truly never forget. The staff and volunteers are friendly, genuine people who have all had parts to play in the activism scene in London and beyond. My friend Rob – who is the sound engineer at the centre – told me about an open mic night happening there and as I’m a broke poet I jumped at the chance to get another performance under my belt. The minute I walked in the place I was greeted with a smile by one of the volunteers and shown around. There are three floors. The first floor has a walk-in cafe which is run by the resident chef Ivan. Here you can get tea, coffee and light refreshment at great value (less than half the price of anywhere else close by) and he also makes communal meals such as his mouth watering vegetarian lasagne. The first floor also has a stage and a space that can fit an audience of 100+, sofas and chairs to relax on and lots of activism/environmentalist information posters on the wall. The second floor is a huge art expedition space which is used regularly and where live art classes take place. And on the third floor there is a recording facilities for musicians to come in and get creative with the sound engineer Rob.
After a 15 minute tour of the centre I felt truly in love with the place. You could sense the promise in the atmosphere and everybody was working together as a team to make this dream turn in to reality. This was a centre that was open to the public to come in and feel part of something wonderful, a place where all were welcome and a place that put two fingers up at materialism and capitalism. I got talking to a few of the guys there and as soon as I heard they’d been in the activism scene for so long – fighting for all of our rights to live peacefully – I knew this wasn’t just another pretend community arts space. These guys are in it for the love of it and because they want to help people on a non-profit basis. Perfect! Who can argue with a winning formula like that? I interviewed one of the guys behind ‘The Hive’ called Gee to ask him a couple of questions…
Q: What made you think of the idea of turning this disused building in to an independant Arts, Culture and Environmental centre?
A: The idea has been around for a long time now and in lots of places around the world. In some places it’s easier to do it than others for obvious reasons. I’ve been part of a few different types of projects but what I wanted to do with this one was to try and make it easier for people here in Hackney to do it to. We try and remove all the obstacles that normally make this sort of project impossible. This particular place is a showcase of the model that allows that. We hope it catches on.
Q: Can you see this idea taking off and other people putting disused buildings to good use in the future
A: That’s the basic plan. To create an infrastructure and a culture here in London to help it thrive again. London needs a vibrant subculture to sustain itself.
Q: What is your long-term goal for The Hive?
A: I hope the Hive gains recognition for what it is – a sustainable, flexible, interconnected blueprint for similar projects – and uses that recognition to encourage more developers and councils to help build this infrastructure. Then we can maybe start a wave of buildings and spaces opening up everywhere carrying everyone forward with a bit more hope and belief. Projects like this help people. Especially the people in the projects!
I visited the centre twice more over the following days and continued to be impressed. A movie night was held and screened on a big projector and I also recorded a song with the sound engineer. There is no entry fee to the centre and everything is done on a donations basis. I came out of there enlightened, inspired and happy, was fed two meals, had countless cups of coffee and made use of the recording facilities. The price I was asked to pay? ZERO. I made a donation of course though as the centre relies on them to stay afloat.
This is a winning formula, is ethical, donation based, everyone is welcome and it’s making great use of a space that would be otherwise just sat there as an eye-sore rotting away. This capitalist society and corporate machine doesn’t cater for places like this but who can argue that it’s not a fantastic idea where everyone is a winner apart from this machine that has destroyed so much in it’s path of destruction? There is anything from live art exhibitions to movie nights to open nights to poetry slams to music concerts to recording facilities to dance classes to environmental education and much, much more. And you know what this encourages? Creativity. I’d like to believe that more centres like this will be opening in London, Britain and all over the world in the next few years. This is a great concept and is bound to take off. I can see a domino effect starting here.
If you’d like more information on The Hive then please visit the centre at 260 Kingsland Road, Hackney (just South of Haggerston overground train station)
Their Facebook page
Their WordPress Blog
Their website
Undercover policing inquiry to 'expose conduct' - BBC News
Undercover policing inquiry to 'expose conduct' - BBC News
The public inquiry into undercover policing may "expose both creditable and discreditable conduct", chairman Lord Justice Pitchford has warned.
The proceedings in London will be "the first time that undercover policing has been exposed to the rigour of public examination," he told a court.
Helen Steel, who had a relationship with an undercover officer, said police committed "human rights abuses".
But police said undercover officers can play an important role.
Lawyers investigating allegations for the Home Office say they have uncovered more than 80 possible miscarriages of justice relating to undercover policing.
Investigations revealed officers had also had relationships with women while undercover, and had used the names of dead children.
This week in Smartphone Video Activism: learn how to shoot "witness video" eg as legal support. Plus everything you need for the one-take interview. @hivedalston 6pm-8pm Tuesday.
This week in Smartphone Video Activism: learn how to shoot "witness video" eg as legal support. Plus everything you need for the one-take interview. @hivedalston 6pm-8pm Tuesday.
Monday, 27 July 2015
Come to monthly North London Radical Assembly meeting! Discussions, solidarity, linking of grass-roots campaigns & planning direct action. Updates on local campaigns e.g. Reclaim Barnet, Camden Resists, Sweets Way, Islington Park Street etc. TODAY 7:30pm @ UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way WC1H 0AL.
Come to monthly North London Radical Assembly meeting! Discussions, solidarity, linking of grass-roots campaigns & planning direct action. Updates on local campaigns e.g. Reclaim Barnet, Camden Resists, Sweets Way, Islington Park Street etc. TODAY 7:30pm @ UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way WC1H 0AL.
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Thor God of Thunder presents a 'Burlesque Cabaret of the Gods' thismonths Theme "Bohemianism" THIS Fri!! 31st July. £6 on the Door @ 'TheHive' 260 Kingsland Rd #onn #olsx #cabaret #burlesque
Thor God of Thunder presents a 'Burlesque Cabaret of the Gods' this months Theme "Bohemianism" THIS Fri!! 31st July. £6 on the Door @ 'The Hive' 260 Kingsland Rd, Dalston. Doors 8.15pm. BYOB Dirty Sexy Jazz & Blues by Lady Layton 2 Start. Extraordinary Burlesque & Cabaret Acts inc Lou Safire, Bitter & Twisted, Ticketty Boo, Sapphire Rox & Count Chronos Morte. Roll Up! Roll Up! For the Godliest Burlesque Show of the Decade
Saturday, 25 July 2015
How the NSA Is a Servant of Corporate Power | Alternet
How the NSA Is a Servant of Corporate Power | Alternet
"We are under pressure from the Treasury to justify our budget, and commercial espionage is one way of making a direct contribution to the nation's balance of payments." - Sir Colin McColl, MI6 Chief
For years public figures have condemned cyber espionage committed against the United States by intruders launching their attacks out of China. These same officials then turn around and justify the United States' far-reaching surveillance apparatus in terms of preventing terrorist attacks. Yet classified documents published by WikiLeaks reveal just how empty these talking points are. Specifically, top-secret intercepts prove that economic spying by the United States is pervasive, that not even allies are safe and that it's wielded to benefit powerful corporate interests.
At a recent campaign event in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton accused China of "trying to hack into everything that doesn't move in America." Clinton's hyperbole is redolent of similar claims from the US deep state. For example, who could forget the statement made by former NSA director Keith Alexander that Chinese cyber espionage represents the greatest transfer of wealth in history? Alexander has obviously never heard of quantitative easing (QE) or the self-perpetuating "global war on terror," which has likewise eaten through trillions of dollars. Losses due to cyber espionage are a rounding error compared to the tidal wave of money channeled through QE and the war on terror.
House Votes to Let Monsanto Deceive Consumers About GMOs | Alternet
House Votes to Let Monsanto Deceive Consumers About GMOs | Alternet
On July 23, 275 members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of H.R. 1599, the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act. By voting for the DARK Act, these politicians voted against truth and transparency, against science, against the more than century-old right of states to legislate on matters relating to food safety and labeling.
They voted against the 93 percent of Americans who are in favor of mandatory labeling of GMOs. They voted against the producers of non-GMO foods.
Gothenburg's Green Port - Al Jazeera English
Gothenburg's Green Port - Al Jazeera English
Ninety percent of world trade is transported by ships at sea. Traditionally this has been considered a greener method of transport than road or air, but toxic pollution from ships kills tens of thousands of people every year.
The Port of Gothenburg, Scandinavia's busiest shipping hub, is pioneering a number of methods to mitigate the effects of pollution from ships.
From plugging ships into onshore green energy supplies so they do not have to burn fuel whilst in dock, to pioneering a new 'sniffer' technique which monitors passing ships' sulphur emissions.
Nick Clark travels to Sweden to see how the Port of Gothenburg is cleaning and greening its act and laying down the environmental gauntlet to other ports around the world to clean up our sea air.
Anti-GMO labeling law passes House vote — RT USA
Anti-GMO labeling law passes House vote — RT USA
Following a 275-150 vote on Thursday, the bipartisan bill is heading for the Senate. If enacted into law, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act would create a voluntary GMO-free certification program overseen by the US Department of Agriculture, and override any state and local GMO labeling laws.
The legislation preempts any state and local restrictions and labeling requirements for genetically modified organisms, foods containing GMOs, as well as non-GMO and “natural” food.
The FDA would review the product before it goes to market and require a label only if a “material difference between food from genetically engineered plants and comparable foods” is found. The companies however would be allowed to label their products as GMO under a new voluntary certification program.
The measure would represent a setback for advocates and voters who lobbied for GMO labeling laws that have passed but are yet to take effect in three states – Vermont, Connecticut and Maine. There are at least 15 other states who have introduced similar regulations on foods containing GMOs.
HeadMix Remix Move Yourself Ferguson Colour Star
Headmix Collective old school festival favourites from the 90s,their tunes go off proper tribal style in front of a large festy crowd.played many a protest benefit back in the day.
Friday, 24 July 2015
Thursday, 23 July 2015
China targets lawyers in new human rights crackdown | World news | The Guardian
China targets lawyers in new human rights crackdown | World news | The Guardian
More than 100 human rights lawyers and activists have been detained or questioned by Chinese police and denounced in state media as a “criminal gang” in recent days, raising fears of an unprecedented crackdown by the Chinese authorities.
According to human rights groups, a total of 106 lawyers, other staff at legal firms and human rights activists have been detained or questioned and at least three law firms have been searched. Six lawyers from the law firm Fengrui, which has handled a number of high-profile human rights cases, have been detained. Another 17 lawyers and rights activists are missing.
The detentions came as a high-profile Tibetan monk serving a 20-year sentence died in prison and as China was urged to end its two-tier passport system, which restricts freedom of movement for religious and ethnic minorities.
The crackdown began on 9 July when Wang Yu, a Fengrui lawyer, disappeared in the early morning after sending friends a text message saying that the internet connection and electricity had been cut off at her home and that people were trying to break in. Wang’s clients include practitioners of the religious group Falun Gong, which is banned in China.
The firm’s director, Zhou Shifeng, who has also been detained, had represented Zhang Miao, a Chinese journalist who worked with a German magazine to report on the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests and was released last week after nine months in detention.
Amnesty free msg: CHINA - 100s of human rights lawyers & activists targeted since 9 Jul. Pls act now. Rply CHINA+yr name
Amnesty free msg: CHINA - 100s of human rights lawyers & activists targeted since 9 Jul. Pls act now. Rply CHINA+yr name
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Music jam at Runnymede eco village Egham near Windsor location every new moon and full moon spread the word network it reclaim the land
Music jam at Runnymede eco village Egham near Windsor location
every new moon and full moon spread the word network it reclaim the land
Cambridge trio cleared over tarpaulin sit-in during Parliament Square protest - UK - News - London Evening Standard #onn #olsx #liberty #protest #democracy
Cambridge trio cleared over tarpaulin sit-in during Parliament Square protest - UK - News - London Evening Standard
Three Cambridge graduates were today celebrating being cleared over a confrontation with police during Occupy London protests in Parliament Square.
Rosa Robson, Matilda Wnek and Kate Huggett, all 23, had allegedly defied police orders to get off a tarpaulin sheet and leave the square. They and Elizabeth Beck, 52, were eventually carried away by officers in October last year.
Robson and Wnek, former members of the Cambridge Footlights who tour Britain with their comedy double act “Beard”, were among 15 protesters, including Green Party peer Jenny Jones, arrested for allegedly failing to leave the square when told to by police.
The group was campaigning on issues including the privatisation of the NHS, tuition fees, cuts to the welfare state and the environment.
Westminster magistrates’ court heard that during the protest Huggett, Beck, Wnek and Robson were sitting on a blue tarpaulin, which police claimed amounted to camping equipment.
On the day of the protests, Wnek tweeted: “The protest goes on & today banners are allowed on site! Come with paints or points of view and test this democracy.”
Robson tweeted: “Police vans are surrounding the square to block view of the square so they can seize us illegally” and “12 police vans for some tarpaulin #taxpayersmoney”.
Later, she tweeted: “If ur reading this ur the first to know police trying to move us on this morning get down stand by and show support #occupydemocracy.”
The four women denied breaching the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, banning tents or “any controlled structure that is designed or adapted for the purpose of facilitating sleeping or staying in a place for any period” in Parliament Square. They argued the tarpaulin was not “camping equipment”. Tom Wainwright, for Wnek and Beck, said: “It’s not like a groundsheet, whose fundamental use would be to allow users to remain outdoors. So it’s not like a groundsheet and it’s not like a mattress either.”
The group claimed they could not be charged with breaching the bylaws because the police were unaware the law existed at the time of their arrest. Arresting officers from the Territorial Support Group said the group all had backpacks and sleeping bags.
District Judge Richard Blake had refused to throw out the charges at the end of the prosecution’s case, ruling that there was a case to answer. He said: “I’m satisfied that the tarpaulin was being used to facilitate sleeping. It apparently provided some sort of comfort for the people to remain in the square.
“It was clearly being used and I’ve seen footage of it being wrapped around people. Without the tarpaulin people would have found themselves on the damp October grass of Parliament Square. I accept that this is not a normal use for tarpaulin.”
But he later acquitted Robson, of Frome, Somerset; Wnek, of Kilburn; and Huggett and Beck, both of Manchester, of breaching the Act and Parliament Square bylaws.
Saudi gang rape victim punished with 200 lashes and six months jail
Saudi gang rape victim punished with 200 lashes and six months jail
Saudi shame: A 19-year-old woman who was the victim of a violent gang rape in Saudi Arabia has been sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in jail after being found guilty of being “indecent” at the time of the attack because she was not accompanied by a male guardian.
The government defended the outrageous court decision, saying that the victim was at fault, and noting that Saudi courts abide by Sharia law which dictates that a woman cannot be in public without a male guardian.
The original incident reportedly took place in 2006. At that time the victim was in a car with a friend when two men commandeered their vehicle and drove them to a secluded area. She was then violently raped by seven men, three of whom also attacked her friend.
Initially, the woman was sentenced to 90 lashes, while the men who raped her were given minor custodial sentences.
- See more at:
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Smartphone video-activism workshop | The Hive, Dalston Tonight Tues 21st July #onn #olsx network it
Smartphone video-activism workshop | The Hive, Dalston
Smartphone video-activism workshop
Welcome to visionOntv’s revolutionary workshops, teaching you all the techniques for smartphone video-making.
The weekly programme uses visionOntv‘s cartoon templates for making video quickly and effectively with the tools you already have in your pocket.
Next workshop Tuesday, 21st July 2015, 6-8pm.
Create the news you don’t see on the news!
Please bring a fully charged smartphone (with its cables for plugging into computer).
If possible, please register at to help give us an idea of numbers, but feel free to just turn up too.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Monday, 20 July 2015
City of London police put Occupy London on counter-terrorism presentation with al-Qaida | UK news | The Guardian #onn #olsx
City of London police put Occupy London on counter-terrorism presentation with al-Qaida | UK news | The Guardian
Police in London have been criticised for including activists from the city’s Occupy protests alongside al-Qaida and the IRA in a presentation being given to prepare nursery and primary school staff for potential terrorist attacks on the UK.
The presentation, which was obtained by the Guardian following a Freedom of Information request, is part of an expanding City of London police initiative dubbed Project Fawn.
It is aimed at preparing nursery and school staff for the possibility that London could be hit by attacks such as on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, Mumbai and the 2014 Sydney hostage crisis, which it names. However, it also refers to domestic extremism, student protests and climate issues.
The presentation – which gives advice on dealing with bomb threats, screening mail and hostile reconnaissance – covers the threat posed and methodologies used by Isis, al-Qaida, so-called lone actors and dissident Irish Republicans.
Under the heading of domestic extremism, it also refers to “xrw” and “xlw” (apparent acronyms for extreme left and right wing), as well as single issue groups, animal rights and politics.
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Government attacked for ‘rigging’ of electoral system | Michael Crick on Politics | Michael Crick on Politics #onn #olsx
Government attacked for ‘rigging’ of electoral system | Michael Crick on Politics | Michael Crick on Politics
The Conservatives have been criticised for a change in voting law that could see hundreds of thousands of people drop off the electoral roll.
In an unusual move this afternoon the Electoral Commission censured the government over a move announced today, which is likely boost Tory chances of retaining power in 2020.
- See more at:
UK’s first low-cost ‘positive energy’ house built in Wales – Channel 4 News | Solutions Zone TV
UK’s first low-cost ‘positive energy’ house built in Wales – Channel 4 News | Solutions Zone TV
The three-bedroom family home near Bridgend – which took just 16 weeks to construct – can export more power to the grid than it consumes, experts say.
The three-bedroom family home near Bridgend – which took just 16 weeks to construct – can export more power to the grid than it consumes, experts say.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Stop bombing Syria #onn #olsx Revelations that British fighter pilots have been secretly bombing Syria under US command reveal both the government's contempt for democracy and its subservience to Washington foreign policy.
Stop bombing Syria
Revelations that British fighter pilots have been secretly bombing Syria under US command reveal both the government's contempt for democracy and its subservience to Washington foreign policy. The news makes a mockery of Michael Fallon's promise of a full debate and vote in parliament on the issue.
Since the start of the "war on terror", Jihadi organisation has spread from small pockets of Central Asia across whole swathes of the globe. Western bombing in Syria will do nothing to halt Isis. On the contrary it will add fuel to the flames of war engulfing the whole region, and it will lead to an increase in terrorist attacks.
Stop the War demands the government publicly commits to an immediate end to British bombing of Syria. More widely we call for an end to military and diplomatic support for Saudi Arabia in its war on Yemen and for a stop to the bombing campaign in Iraq.
The anti-war movement needs to maximise pressure against our government's foreign wars.
1) London public meeting Don't bomb Syria, hands off Yemen.
2.15pm, Saturday 18th July. Bloomsbury Baptist Church, WC2 8EP.
2) Build pressure against UK military intervention in Syria
- Lobby your MP now. It takes two minutes.
- Sign the petition against the bombing of Syria and take the petition around your workplace and community.
- Organise street stalls and petitioning sessions.
- Hold a public meeting against the bombing of Syria (contact the office if you need help with this).
- Participate in the debate by phoning local radio stations.
- The topic of bombing Syria is likely to loom large this week, especially in radio prime time (around 8-9 am and 5-6 pm).
- LBC (Leading Britain's Conversation) is a prominent example of a talk radio station (97.3 FM, its telephone number is 0345 60 60 973).
- BBC Radio 5 Live (AM: 693 kHz, 909 kHz, 990 kHz ) is another major national talk radio station. Its telephone number is 0500 909693.
- For a list of local BBC radio stations, click here.
Campaigning costs money. Please make a donation to support our work.
2015 Constitutionalists Home - 2015 Constitutionalists
2015 Constitutionalists Home - 2015 Constitutionalists
The Ankerwycke Yew at Runnymede was possibly the last living witness to the signing of Magna Carta.
Welcome to the 2015 Constitutionalists Party and Trustee’s movement
The Ankerwycke Yew at Runnymede was possibly the last living witness to the signing of Magna Carta.
We are adopting this tree as a powerful symbol of Witness, Endurance, Life and Love for the work to be done by you the people, the Trustees, with the help of us, the Constitutionalists, in Restoring, Reforming and Renewing our country as signposted in the People’s Magna Carta for the 21st Century.
View the launch video of the Peoples Magna Carta.
'Stop war': Thousands protest in Japan over military expansion law change — RT News
'Stop war': Thousands protest in Japan over military expansion law change — RT News
'Stop war': Thousands protest in Japan over military expansion law change

Protesters holding placards shout slogans at a rally against Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to expand Japan's military role in front of Abe's official residence in Tokyo June 30, 2014 (Reuters / Yuya Shino) / Reuters
Thousands gathered outside the Japanese prime minister's office to protest constitutional changes that would expand Japan's military role and allow overseas deployment. It comes one day after a man set himself on fire in protest against a proposed law.
Protest organizers have estimated that 10,000 people – including students, pensioners, and women – attended the rally outside Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s office in Tokyo. However, police put the number of participants at “several thousand.”
The demonstration comes on the eve of a cabinet meeting, where lawmakers are expected to endorse a resolution that would expand the use of Japan's military by reforming the constitution.
Chanting “Don’t destroy the Constitution” and “We absolutely oppose reinterpretation of the Constitution,” as well as “We don’t need the right to collective self-defense,” demonstrators expressed their opposition to what they say is a “historical turning point,” the Japan Times reported.
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