Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Occupy Democracy Oct 17th facebook page network it and invite all your friends this one gona be huge over a thousand attending already https://www.facebook.com/events/531711723600543/
New site taken support needed as owners have attempted to cut locks unit 25.stonehill business n18 3qj rivermead rd Angel rd train station totenham way,small traveller crew requesting people to come help hold new site, any hours appreciated call txt 07895 372332 to support network it
Sunday, 28 September 2014
British, Iran Leaders Meet; U.K. Lawmakers to Vote on Joining Anti-ISIS Strikes
What the fuck,we are now at war with East Asia Eurasia or what?
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Drunk punx + wreckheadS being evictd benefit party tonite bedford house quaker st e1 infoline 07453525538
Hi guys, please spread the word re London RtP gathering this Sunday 2-5. It's to plan exciting upcoming actions and form affinity groups and is @ Community Centre, 24 Blenheim Gardens, Brixton, SW25BZ. Call 07905958158 if lost! Hannah x
Evolution Cabaret event fri oct 24th great line up coming together network it
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Activist security workshop tomorrow from 2-5pm @ Grow Heathrow
Peaceful Greetings. Hope you are well and wishing love and joy to your heart! FREE ENTRY Next Sunday 28th September 9.30pm till 11.30pm Antarma and The Family Tree @The Magic Garden 231 Battersea Park Road, SW11 4LG London
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Social housing, not social cleansing!’ Homeless mothers & kids fight back by occupying London flats http://therebel.org/en/rt/798658-social-housing-not-social-cleansing-homeless-mothers-kids-fight-back-by-occupying-london-flats
Social housing, not social cleansing!’ Homeless mothers & kids fight back by occupying London flats
Image from the Focus E15 Mothers facebook page
The group, calling itself “Focus E15,” complained that an estate in Stratford was almost empty, having been cleared by the local council, while increasing numbers of local people could not afford to buy or rent a home.
The women said people were facing homelessness and displacement due to the lack of affordable and social housing in London. They called for “social housing, not social cleansing”.
Focus E15 action saturday noon at stratford high st by wilkinsons, join rebellious mothers and squatters to plan next steps for carpenters social centre. 07933845685 http://radicalhousingnetwork.org
Protesting mums take over Newham council homes next to Olympic stadium
Protesting mums take over Newham council homes next to Olympic stadium
Protesters occupying empty council housing at Stratford's Carpenters Estate9:08 PM
They accused Newham Council of shipping families from the estate out of London, leaving homes vacant in site of the Olympic Stadium.
“The estate has 2,000 empty council homes due to the decision to sell off the land to a private developer,” said Focus E15’s Jasmine Stone.
“The council continues to ship families out of London while they have thousands of beautiful vacant homes overlooking the Olympic Stadium. These homes need families—and people need homes!”
The estate has been earmarked for redevelopment since 2010, as refurbishment of the three main tower blocks would be too expensive, the Town Hall insisted.
The local authority wants to use the empty homes as temporary accommodation “to help alleviate housing pressure in Newham”.
A council spokesman said: “We are already using several empty properties and want to add another 386 on the estate.”
The council blames a local tenant management organisation for blocking its plans last year.
“They sent a solicitor’s letter instructing us not to proceed,” the spokesman added. “Newham is facing an acute housing crisis with more than 15,000 households on the waiting list. Using these properties would have helped.”
Meanwhile, the Focus E15 campaigners who say they were forced out of their hostel in Stratford last year and “dumped” into private rents, have set up a community centre on the occupied estate.
It opened yesterday with a protest fair and children’s activities, aimed at shaming the Town Hall over the empty properties they said were “perfectly habitable”.
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Hi from Greenpeace activist I'm on top of a coal train right now with 49 ordinary people, who believe so passionately that we need to stop climate change, we've stopped a train reaching Cottam power station
I'm on top of a coal train right now with 49 ordinary people, who believe so passionately that we need to stop climate change, we've stopped a train reaching Cottam power station in Nottinghamshire. We flagged it down at 2.30pm and right now, we’re shovelling coal off the train.
It’s pretty dirty work but I’m here with good friends, and we know it’s the right thing to do.
At this same exact moment, thousands of miles away in New York, global leaders are coming together for a hugely important meeting about the climate.
But while world leaders like David Cameron talk, there’s a plan to give energy companies in the UK millions of pounds of tax-payers' money to keep old coal power plants burning.
See what's happening on top of the train:
I'm blocking this coal train today to show our leaders that it’s time for action. David Cameron is at the global leaders meeting. When he gets home, he needs to scrap the plan to give tax-payers' money to keep coal power plants going.
And Ed Miliband needs to set out his plan to get us off coal. That could be enough to persuade energy companies to shut down coal plants instead of patching them up.
Click to see photos and video, and read stories:
There are 50 of us on this train in Nottinghamshire, but Greenpeace is millions of people around the world. Together we’re working for a green, peaceful future powered by renewable energy. We want a protected Arctic, and a world of oceans and forests teeming with life.
Back on the train, we’ll hold on for as long as we can – but to truly get our message out we need thousands more to support our call:
Thanks for all that you do,
Fran, from a coal train in Nottinghamshire
PS: You can see video clips rushed by bike from the stopped train, read the stories of the people on board, and sign the petition to end dirty coal here: https://secure.greenpeace.org.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Protesters flood Wall Street LIVE UPDATES http://rt.com/usa/189768-wall-street-flood-protest/
Protesters flood Wall Street LIVE UPDATES
Monday, 22 September 2014
Wall st occupy now inspiring speeches on Livestream better link to live stuff http://new.livestream.com/accounts/124908/events/3416732
Pride - Official Launch Trailer (2014) Bill Nighy, Andrew Scott, Imelda Staunton [HD]
My mates brother is in this film,solidarity across movements and causes,we need more of this.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Residential flats occupied in housing protest Carpenters estate squatted! We've taken 4 flats with the focus e15 campaign, social centre for next week. Come for morning,run workshops, fight gentrification!
Saturday, 20 September 2014
Autumn equinox gathering at Runnymede Eco village Egham ner Windsor tonight www.diggers2012.wordpress.com
Autumn equinox gathering at Runnymede Eco village Egham near Windsor tonight www.diggers2012.wordpress.com directions
Autumn equinox gathering at Runnymede Eco village Egham ner Windsor tonight www.diggers2012.wordpress.com
Autumn equinox gathering at Runnymede Eco village Egham near Windsor tonight www.diggers2012.wordpress.com directions
Earthdance TONIGHT! 20/09/14 feat. GMS, 1200Mics & more @Electric Brixton / SW2 1RJ 10pm to 6am £15 adv. Tckts from Access All Areas/ £20 On Door PASS IT ON :)
Friday, 19 September 2014
The Evolution Cabaret by Earth Circus Productions Fri oct 24th line upis growing,network it for a night of wonderhttps://www.facebook.com/events/1479378269000326/?ref=ts&fref=ts
Evolution Cabaret on Face Book network it for People and Planet

Thursday, 18 September 2014
HIP HOP HOUSE PARTY Hosted by Lyrically Challenged, OneTaste, Lyrix Organix! 28/9/14 POW BRIXTON
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Occupy is throwing a benefit for when we occupy parliament mid october. We need a venue for sept 26 -two fridays from now. Asian Dub Foundation is likely to play!
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Earthdance Global 2014 theme is TRANSFORMATION As we go through our process to reach full awakening, we look to balance the masculine and feminine energies. Both energies exist in each of us. https://www.facebook.com/EarthDanceLondon
At the time of the global Prayer for Peace, we will have two performers on stage each representing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, in balance.
Later on in night, there will be performance artists with LED Poi and Hoops, representing the Divine Masculine, and we will close the event by bringing in the Divine Feminine principle with female performers and a female DJ.
As we go through our process to reach full awakening, we look to balance the masculine and feminine energies. Both energies exist in each of us.
When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine unite within us, we experience Divine Oneness. That balance is already within our soul, it is a matter of returning to what we have 'forgotten'.
The balancing and sacred union of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, leads to TRANSFORMATION and healing of self, those around us and our world.
We hope you will come and join us, for our journey of Transformation at Earthdance London 2014!

The siege of jubilee st is finally over...Security have finally left jubilee street thanks to all involved. Together we are strong
Monday, 15 September 2014
The squatted shoe factory rose road bristol bs5 8ex is resisting county court bailiff eviction weds 17th sept. Gathering & sleepover then support from 8:30am.
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Squat Party @ 40 beak street soho tonight live music and rigs inn, byo booz peace & love + pound sound if you can X keep resisting
Saturday, 13 September 2014
An Urgent Message From the Kogi and the ‘Living Relic’
Just before the People of La Sierra came to meet us, they took a “living relic” out into the light of day for the first time since the beginning of time. When they took her out, the Earth shook … and then she delivered her urgent message that we are running out of time, and it is urgent that they spread her message to the entire world. Then the Earth shook again as they put the living relic away, confirming her message. All of this was as it has been told in their prophecies and consultations with the Mother.
The message is this: The sacred sites of the indigenous peoples of the world form a network of spiritual communication around the globe. As these sacred sites are destroyed, and as the people who have cared for these sites are removed and assimilated, this communication network has been broken. The spiritual fabric of the Earth has been torn to shreds and the people who hold the ceremonies that keep the Earth in balance cannot correct things anymore. The non-native nations, who the Four Tribes of La Sierra call “little brother,” are out of control and have gone too far. It is too late for us, as humans, to correct this on our own. If we do not re-activate the sacred sites and re-activate the higher beings who can help us restore order to the world, we will not be able to re-weave the spiritual fabric of the Earth. The mother is crying. She is weeping for her children. She is in pain, and will speak with her voice of wind, water and fire … louder and louder … unless we begin to speak for her and do what she is asking.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
1 lonely squatter has been trapped by tower hamlets security at 2jubilee st,e1 by commercial rd for11days-its time to rescue them.Meet around the corner@stepney library tomorrow 7pm!
Greenpeace Big energy companies like EON and EDF are deciding right now whether to spend millions to keep ancient coal power stations open in the UK.
Big energy companies like EON and EDF are deciding right now whether to spend millions to keep ancient coal power stations open in the UK.
If they get their way, we'll still be burning coal for decades to come -- a disaster for the climate and the air we breathe.
But already, UK political support for coal is on shaky ground. Just last week the Lib Dems announced they want to see "an end to dirty coal power stations" over the next 10 years.
Now we need to show Cameron and Miliband it's time they took a stand too. Sign the petition to get them on record saying there's no future for dirty coal.
Coal power is under pressure from all sides. New EU laws could soon force some of the worst-polluting power stations to close down completely. And with UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon hosting a global climate summit in New York this month, political leaders will be keen to show what they're doing to protect the planet.
Now's the moment for them to reveal their plans for coal. If they come out and say they won't support it, that could pull the plug on this deadly energy source in a matter of years, not decades.
The UK's energy future is at a crossroads: do we choose glorious, green renewables; or climate-wrecking fossil fuels? It's not enough to beat fracking, we need to turn off dirty coal too.
We're working together to protect our world, from the shimmering Arctic to the life-giving rainforest, to the hills, meadows and high streets of the UK. Clean air to breathe, a beautiful world to inherit -- and that means no dirty coal.
Thank you,
Richard and the Greenpeace energy team
PS: Even the USA, one the world's biggest emitters, is moving away from coal. President Obama has stood strong against powerful industry forces -- and he's set to oversee a dramatic 50% drop in coal capacity. Ask our leaders to say no to coal too: https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/coal
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Sail 4 Syria rowing through France http://syriapeaceandjustice.wordpress.com/2014/09/09/sail4syria-rowing-through-france/
It is over 3 weeks since Maria and I decided to enter the canal system of France at Calais. This was a change from our original plan to sail several hundred miles around the West coast of France until we reached the Canal De Midi which leads to the Mediterranean Sea. This decision to go inland early has turned out to be a sensible one as we have avoided all the issues of strong wind and unfavorable weather that makes sea sailing for a dinghy dangerous but not an issue when rowing along a safely sheltered canal. Rowing is a bit slow though! Canal cruising is also not without risk and you have to keep a look out for the large commercial barges which can arrive at any moment…
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Depftford Urban Free Festival (Party in the Park) Sat/13th Sept in New Cross SE146LU its by the people for the people
Monday, 8 September 2014
Earth Circus Productions Evolution cabaret and party fri 24 th October 8pm till late at Tottenham Chances 399 High Rd, London N17 6QN ( Phoenixs birthday celebration and fundraiser for my daughters theatre college fees £5 on the door ) more info and line up soon, network it for a gathering of family and tribe
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/
Polluters are "hijacking our democracy," according to retired military general who took control of Hurricane Katrina emergency relief efforts in 2005 http://toledoblade.typepad.com/ripple-effect/2014/09/polluters-are-hijacking-our-democracy-according-to-retired-military-general-who-took-control-of-hurr.html
Polluters are "hijacking our democracy," according to retired military general who took control of Hurricane Katrina emergency relief efforts in 2005
NEW ORLEANS - Who would have thought that a retired military general would deliver the most outspoken remarks on behalf of nature and the news media during the opening reception of the world's largest annual gathering of environmental journalists?
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Tonight 06.09.14. At 10.30pm . multi sound party is at 95 southwark street se11bq . Peace love and london tekno. The movement continues here! PASS IT ON!
Friday, 5 September 2014
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Occupy Democracy meeting to organise for 1 week occupation of parliament square on Oct 17 th 2014 (3rd anniversary of occupy )Tonight and every thurs 6-8 pm at Friends meeting house 173 Euston Road London NW1 2BJ. Watch great video why we should occupy democracy http://youtu.be/PjjO5coVZCg
Squatting charges dropped against Gospel Oak housing protesters
Squatting charges dropped against Gospel Oak housing protesters Camden New Journal
Published: 29 August, 2014
District Judge Williams ruled on Tuesday that Yanis Nikou, 27, and Fatima Pita, 28, had “no case to answer” after their defence barrister raised an “essential” legal argument on day one of the two-day hearing.
The pair had been evicted by police while protesting against the sale of 11 Southampton Road, Gospel Oak, by Camden Council at auction in the Grosvenor Hotel in February.
They were facing criminal charges under new squatting laws but the prosecution could not prove they were in the building illegally because the new owner of the building was “not known to the court”.
District Judge Williams ruled: “When the hammer falls, the property passes over to a new owner, and so does authority for permission to be in the property. I do not know who the new owner is. Therefore trespass cannot be provided. Since this is an essential element in this case, I rule there is no case to answer.”
Mr Nikou and Ms Pita, part of a wider council housing campaign group, were evicted by police from Southampton Road – formerly the Party! Party! children’s shop and two flats above – on February 25.
The court heard that a Camden Council official had contacted the police about “squatters” hours after the building was sold at auction with two other houses on the same parade for £2.4million.
But the activists had argued that the new laws allowing evictions, known as LAPSO Section 144, did not apply to them because they were not technically squatting in the building.
The protesters said their system of swapping occupying duties on a 12-hour rota system meant they were only “occupying” the building for a “political protest”.
The court heard that there was no fridge in the building and that the activists were surviving purely on sandwiches from the food chain Eat.
Outside court, Mr Nikou said: “It is disappointing in a way because we wanted to test the law on this and in the end we have got off on a technicality. There is always next time though.”
Both activists – represented by protest specialist barrister Owen Greenhall, acting for Bindmans solicitors – were awarded £10 each in travel expenses.