Saturday, 30 August 2014
Amnesty free msg: SYRIA-'Disappeared' in 2012, human rights lawyer, Khalil Ma'touq's health is failing Rply RELEASE+name 2OptOut rply Stop
Thursday, 28 August 2014
North's biggest ever vegan festival September 13th Blackpool
North's biggest ever vegan festival
Northern Vegan Festival | 22.08.2014 11:49 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Health | Liverpool | Sheffield
Please also let people know that the event already features over 120 stalls, including all of the doubles not listed as such on the website, and may feature over 130 by Sept 13:
We also have 4 rooms of films, talks, workshops, etc. so the event, which is the North's biggest ever vegan festival, is a great place to find out about the most ecological, healthy, and compassionate diet:
Northern Vegan Festival e-mail:
This transatlantic trade deal is a full-frontal assault on democracy Brussels has kept quiet about a treaty that would let rapacious companies subvert our laws, rights and national sovereignty
This transatlantic trade deal is a full-frontal assault on democracy
The purpose of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is to remove the regulatory differences between the US and European nations. I mentioned it a couple of weeks ago. But I left out the most important issue: the remarkable ability it would grant big business to sue the living daylights out of governments which try to defend their citizens. It would allow a secretive panel of corporate lawyers to overrule the will of parliament and destroy our legal protections. Yet the defenders of our sovereignty say nothing.
The mechanism through which this is achieved is known as investor-state dispute settlement. It's already being used in many parts of the world to kill regulations protecting people and the living planet.
According to new analysis by Californians Against Fracking, the California oil & gas industry uses over 2 million gallons per day on activities like fracking, acidizing, and cyclic steam injection. Read more here: Unlike many other water uses -- say, farming for instance -- fracking permanently pollutes water and effectively removes it from the water cycle. What was that about a drought?
According to new analysis by Californians Against Fracking, the California oil & gas industry uses over 2 million gallons per day on activities like fracking, acidizing, and cyclic steam injection. Read more here:
Unlike many other water uses -- say, farming for instance -- fracking permanently pollutes water and effectively removes it from the water cycle.
What was that about a drought?
Infrastructure Bill is amended to push fracking agenda
Infrastructure Bill is amended to push fracking agenda
Earlier in the summer, SchNEWS broke the story of the infamous Infrastructure Bill. The new law, still winding its way through parliament, will allow for any public land to be 'transferred' via a Government body to private developers.The Infrastructure Bill is still very much happening, and it's got even uglier. We're talking compulsory fracking uglier.
Just before the House of Lords broke for the summer recess in July, the Government sneaked in an amendment to the Bill which will make it a legal requirement to "maximise economic recovery of petroleum". This includes draining the North Sea of oil as well as exploiting all the "upstream petroleum" from the land. Upstream petroleum includes shale gas. The clause states: "A person must act in accordance with the current strategy or strategies when planning and carrying out the commissioning of upstream petroleum infrastructure". It means everyone's hands are tied: if you don't promote shale or gas, you are breaking the law!
Today marks the final day of a 'consultation', trying to persuade landowners that fracking under their land would not inconvenience them - and they might even get £20,000 for the privilege of risking earthquakes and polluted water supplies in their backyards. All in the interests of the nation, of course, in its boundless pursuit of shale gas.
Another bribe for unwanted back yard developments came in the form of suggested 'community shares' for local publics, although this is presently only recommended for renewable energy projects. You ain't getting none of those Big Energy shale profits. All these recommendations came from the commissioned Wood Report. Sir Ian Wood is a billionaire who provides services for the oil and gas company. No question of a conflict of interest, then.
All political parties except the Greens are supportive of the shale industry. The Bill is due to complete its course through Parliament and get the Queen's rubber stamp in March, just two months before the elections.Could it be in the interest of all parties (besides Green) to get this passed with the minimum of fuss? Whoever wins in May 2015, the door will have been left open for England's (and Wales') green and pleasant land to be concreted over or pockmarked with holes at the behest of Government's big business pals.
The UK mainstream media has focused entirely on the proposed change to trespass laws – the change which allows fracking under people's homes without permission – but has remained silent on the Infrastructure Bill's impact on big frack jobs on public land. Apart from George Monbiot (cheers for the shout out, George) in the Guardian.
However, there is opposition: forest campaigners, the Open Spaces Society, Woodland Trust, theCampaign for Better Transport, the Campaign to Protect Rural England and one solitary authority, North Devon Council, over the wide-ranging measures outlined in the Bill. The Forest of Dean campaign groupHands Off Our Forest (HOOF) is demanding a written exemption in the Bill and has provided advice on who and how to lobby.
The Government has already issued several statements claiming the Government will not include public forests in Clause 21 of the Bill (public land 'transfers'). But if the Bill is passed into law next March, the succeeding government two months later may well not be bound by any of the assurances.
However, there are plenty of other reasons why people up and down the country should be concerned at the massive scope. Here are some of the things the Infrastructure Bill facilitates, or paves the way for:
1. An unbridled rail and road-building programme (Part 1 of the Bill), including high-speed railwaysaffordable only for the rich and toll motorways, with existing watchdogs replaced by one that solely represents road users and ignores any communities in the path of the roads. The Highways Agency will be replaced by one or more 'Strategic Highways Companies'. The Government claims this does not mean control and building of all the roads will be privatised (yeah, right).
2. The Government will have powers to enter any land and kill everything on a list of 'invasive' and 'non-native' species list (part 2). As well as the obvious contenders such as grey squirrels, mink, knotweed etc, this includes wild boar, goshawks and other once "indigenous" beasts that have returned.
3. For projects judged as 'nationally important infrastructure' (part 3 - clauses 17 to 19) - everything will be decided by a government minister and two planning inspectors, without bothering to ask local people or local authorities their views. There is no criteria listed, so the term could mean a new town, nuclear power station, an airport.
4. What has upset North Devon council is Clause 20, which puts more pressure on already cuts-ridden local authorities to enforce planning restrictions within a short time limit, or they will be discharged by the committee of two planning inspectors.
5. Clause 21 allows any public land to be sold or given to private developers, via the "land disposal" body, the Homes & Communities Agency. There is nothing in the Bill which restricts or outlines any types of land up for grabs, nor is there any parameters for what kind of development will be allowed. At any time, a government minister can make a list of 'land transfer schemes' designated by whatever government body or minister claims to 'own' the land. Clause 22 allows any rights of access, or easements, to be overriden by the HCA or developers.
6. The Government recently changed its mind about privatising the Land Registry. We better hope it stays that way, because Clauses 23 to 25 bestow massive powers on the body, allowing it to be the judge, jury and executioner on all land ownership matters.
7. Those building less than 50 houses in a development will not be required to make them zero carbon. (And of course, there is nothing in the Bill which insists on any proportion of affordable or 'social' housing, either).
8. Yet to be introduced, changes to the trespass laws to prevent anyone from trying to stop fracking on any land. Can you clarify this please – landowners, protesters, injunctions or a new law?
So there you have it folks - a Bill that is three-quarters of the way through the House of Lords, set to be passed in March 2015, supported by all 'sides' of Parliament, which allows the government to build elite roads and railways, frack everywhere, take power from local authorities on planning decisions, and privatise any public land. It's time to get informed and get active.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Stop Hinkley point nuclear nightmare Just a few more to go
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
2 brave squatters walk free from S144 charges ( squatting residential council building that was for sale squatted as a housing protest )after the Case was dismissed on technicality! See soon4details. Whatever theySay,squatting willStay!
As you may know, our treasured institution, the NHS - the best in the world - is about to be chopped up and Sold Off to British, European and US companies. May we invite you to Events to contribute to the fightback?
Monday, 25 August 2014
2 of our fellow squatters are on trial tomorrow for occupying a residential building as a protest.Pls come & support them 10am@ Highburry Corner Magistrates!
Sunday, 24 August 2014
bank holiday TEKNO showdown. sunday service on corner of marshelsea road and Disney place se1. Nearest tube borough
ACFNChallenge @ACFNChallenge The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) signatories to Treaty 8 & located in Northern Alberta fighting the Alberta Tar Sands
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ACFNChallenge |
@ACFNChallenge |
The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) signatories to Treaty 8 & located in Northern Alberta fighting the Alberta Tar Sands |
Alberta, Canada · |
Grow Heathrow eviction defence phone tree add your number viva the resistance
A phone tree has been set up in case of the bailiffs coming back and carrying out an eviction.
If you would like to be added to the Grow Heathrow eviction phone tree to receive texts and updates if an eviction is taking place then please send your mobile number or text ‘ADD’ to ’07594813121′.
Two things worth checking out:
People's Parliament -
Edge Fund -
Nanas at anti frack camp speak out against cuadrillas corporate media spin
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Tottenham Chances community venue over 90 bands playing this weekend fuck reading festival
Tottenham Chances community venue over 90 bands playing this weekend fuck reading festival event
*TONIGHT! * Dissident Island hosts fat double rig deluxe in stunning crazy building. Sets from the cream of the underground- Hue Jah Fink, Ronin, Stereopathy, Buster, Megabitch, Recursive, Turbo Lobster, Squeaky Grinder + more. Cheap bar, entry on donation... Call 07749932728 or 07749932726 on night. Pass it on!
Cat Hill woodland in serious need of protectors from Monday onwards. Bailiffs will come and try to evict the camp leaving nothing between the developers and ancient forest. Already the devastation to wildlife including Great Crested Newts, Badgers and Long Ear Bats has been immense. Please come and help. We have music and barbecue Friday and Saturday then from monday on we're resisting. Save Cat Hill! nearest tube Cockfosters contact number 07446565015
Cat Hill woodland in serious need of protectors from Monday onwards. Bailiffs will come and try to evict the camp leaving nothing between the developers and ancient forest. Already the devastation to wildlife including Great Crested Newts, Badgers and Long Ear Bats has been immense. Please come and help. We have music and barbecue Friday and Saturday then from monday on we're resisting.
Save Cat Hill!
nearest tube Cockfosters
contact number 07446565015

Friday, 22 August 2014
FWD: Police have been sniffing around grow Heathrow this eve, asking about numbers on site. Who knows what that means but great to have more crew round the fire. x
Great guide to protest skills from the old road protest days network it
Eviction Resistance Party @ Cat Hill Protection Camp. From Saturday 23rd August 2pm. Food, Bonfire, Live Music & more. Address: Former Middlesex University Campus, nr Cat Hill Roundabout. Call 07514 554 954/07746565015 for info. Network it
Small world festival this weekend
Hippy Fest old school carnival after party
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Dissident Discount, August 23rd 10pm. D*I/NFA present 2 rooms playing dubstep, dnb, breakcore. Cheap bar. Party line: 07749932726 / 07749932728 Pass it on :)
A coal company wants to cut down this ancient forest in Mahan, India. If that happens, local people will lose their livelihoods and the home of over 100 migratory species will be destroyed. Let's protect Mahan Forest - and the people who depend on it. SIGN & SHARE >>
Let's protect Mahan Forest - and the people who depend on it.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Disobedient Objects Exhibition at the V and A
An interesting exhibition,drawing on struggles across time and Internationally,very well put together.
However there could have been more on the protests in Britain, e.g. The road protests, anti GMO,Anti War, climate camps and Uk and London Occupy,as the exhibition begins in London and travels to many other countries across the world.
A couple of hours well spent, providing inspiration from historical struggles that will hopefully seed new campaigns and movements for freedom and a better future.
Positive BBC Radio on squatting
Monday, 18 August 2014
Anti fracking actions happening across the uk now. Retweet #reclaimthepower and @nodashforgas x
DEFRA offices in smith square sw1 were blocaded.DEFRA censored their own internal report on the efects of fracking.WE WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH! Come and support!
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Grow Heathrow eviction Resisted Successfuly!! - UK Indymedia
"Grow Heathrow eviction Resisted Successfuly!! Steve Pixy | 16.08.2014 15:23 | Climate Chaos | Free Spaces | London Eviction Resisted successfully on Friday 16th August. From the tower I couldn’t see what went on at the main gate, but the whole site was secured by a good number of folk (50 – 100 odd?) and a local 15 year old d-loched herself to the front of the baracaded gate. Lots of music and fun was had by all!! There was a lot of press and local support outside the baracades. We’re not sure if any bailiffs turned up,but if they did, they didn’t make themselves known to anybody. Some security guards did show up and went round the back of the site, but they were interested in making sure nothing happened on an ajoining piece of land during any eviction attempt. A few police vehicles passed by throughout the day but from what I could see, didn’t even stop or get involved. The landlord did turn up to have a look, but didn’t speak to anyone, and quikly went away again after accepting to take some paperwork from the residents. It seems we must have looked to be to much trouble for him to try evicting! It still isn’t safe and the bailiffs may turn up any day, so more support is always needed, and there is a phone tree set up for any emergencies, Go check their website for all the details! Heres a photo of some of the vegetable plots at Grow Heathrow with people chearing after speeches by local residents after the failed eviction attempt on Friday! And also a photo of the beautiffull mural on one of the buildings."
'via Blog this'
Sunday 17th) at 2pm hundreds of Lancashire residents and anti-fracking activists from the Reclaim the Power camp will march through central Blackpool to protest against gas company Cuadrilla’s plans for fracking in Lancashire. A record-breaking 14,000 objections to Cuadrilla’s drilling plans for two new sites have been handed in to Lancashire County Council
For immediate release: 16 August 2014
Filming / photo opportunity: Sunday 17th August, 2pm-4pm, starting at Blackpool South Pier and moving to North Pier. Photographs available on request.
07447 027112
Tomorrow (Sunday 17th) at 2pm hundreds of Lancashire residents and anti-fracking activists from the Reclaim the Power camp will march through central Blackpool to protest against gas company Cuadrilla’s plans for fracking in Lancashire. A record-breaking 14,000 objections to Cuadrilla’s drilling plans for two new sites have been handed in to Lancashire County Council[1] and the campaigners hope to increase this number before the planning consultation deadline in October.
The protest will take a route from the Blackpool South Pier to the North Pier.
Local grandmothers, mothers and children have been occupying a field on Preston New Road – one of Cuadrilla’s proposed drilling targets – since August 7th, and were joined by hundreds of activists from across the country for a week-long protest camp from August 14th. Frack Free Lancashire – the local campaign group – have been opposing Cuadrilla’s plans for three years.
Tina Louise, local grandmother and Frack Free Lancashire member said:
“The past three years have seen the Lancashire community wake up to the reality of what living in an industrialized shale gas community would be like. This march represents the coming together of people who are able to stand up and say no and we also represent the very many who can’t be here today and want their voices to be heard. As Lancashire County Council consider Cuadrilla’s request, we would like them to also consider the residents of Lancashire and our children. We would very much like to thank the activists from across the country and Reclaim the Power who have come and amplified our message.“
Emily McGregor from Reclaim the Power said:
“Our government pretends that fracked gas is clean and safe. We know it’s not safe – earthquakes have already happened. It’s also not clean – if our children are to have a chance for a safe climate, we must not extract new oil and gas. The technology for the UK to become 100% renewable by 2030 exists now.[2] We need to invest in democratic, affordable and clean energy and not subsidise corporate fossil fuels.”
Throughout Monday 18th, groups of Reclaim The Power participants will take action in a variety of locations related to Cuadrilla’s fracking plans in Lancashire.
[1][2] flex down. All day TEKNO mash up until 8.30pm . Disney place se11hl. Peace love and london fukin TEKNO. Pass it on.
tonight two party's TEKNO n all sorts Harlesden high St. Above Iceland. NW10 4NS after 9pm. Or for something closer to home. Corner of Disney place se1.
People's Climate March London sept 21 st network it
People's Climate March London
The important World Leaders' Climate Summit in New York happening in September will be a key moment in the fight against climate change. There is already a March organised in New York, which aims to be the biggest climate demonstration the US has ever seen. There are calls for there to be a UK People's Climate March in solidarity with those who are marching in New York.
Campaign against Climate Change is helping to organise this march along with many other organisations such as Avaaz,, UKYCC, People & Planet, Operation Noah, Wake Up London, Art Not Oil, BP or not BP, UCL Students' Union, Rising Tide...
Come along!
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Friday, 15 August 2014
The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups by Starhawk
• understanding group dynamics
• facilitating communication and collective decision-making
• dealing effectively with difficult people
Drawing on four decades of experience, Starhawk shows how collaborative groups can generate the cooperation, efficacy and commitment critical to success. Her extensive exploration of group process is woven together with the story of RootBound—a fictional ecovillage mired in conflict— and rounded out with a series of real-life case studies. The included exercises and facilitator’s toolbox show how to establish the necessary structures, ground rules and healthy norms. The Empowerment Manual is required reading for anyone who wants to help their group avoid disagreement and disillusionment and become a wellspring of creativity and innovation.
Behind the Iraqi crisis: the crushing of the nonviolent Sunni uprising
Related articles
Also in this Issue
The crisis in Iraq has reached truly frightening proportions, with the brutal ‘Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’ (ISIS) controlling a large swathe of territory in both countries – something that may trigger the partition of Iraq.
It is easy to get the impression from the mainstream media that violent conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims in Iraq is something that goes back millennia, and has merely re-surfaced in the recent conflict between Sunni ISIS and the Shia-dominated government of prime minister Nouri al-Maliki. This is a serious distortion of a complicated reality.
Runymede Ecovillage Festival 2014 – (22nd-23rd August)
Runymede Ecovillage Festival 2014 – (22nd-23rd August)
We invite you to a weekend festival of woodland skill sharing and off-grid entertainment.
Learn about foraging for wild food, making wooden bowls on a pole-lathe, and other such things. There will also be live music, both electric and acoustic, poetry, and other such evening entertainment.
We are still open to adding more to the line-up so check this page and our facebook groups for further updates. grow Heathrow resistance now
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Fracking trespass law 38 degrees sign petition now last day
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38 Degrees is funded entirely by donations from thousands of members across the UK. Making a regular donation will mean 38 Degrees can stay independent and plan for future campaigns. Please will you chip in a few pounds a week? |