
Tuesday 16 August 2016

Yes, zero hours work can be banned: New Zealand has just done it | Aditya Chakrabortty | Opinion | The Guardian #olsx #zerohours

Yes, zero hours work can be banned: New Zealand has just done it | Aditya Chakrabortty | Opinion | The Guardian

Illustration of workers demolishing huge 'ZERO" by Bill Bragg.
 Illustration by Bill Bragg.
One day in March an entire country decided to outlaw all zero-hours contracts. No ifs, no buts, no opt-outs. Yes, I’m talking about the same kind of zero-hours contracts that Sports Direct – which today agreed to pay more than 1,000 illegally underpaid workers around £1m in backpay – inflicts on about 90% of its staff. The deal that means your boss or agency can offer you however many hours whenever they like. The same arrangement on which a million Britons have to manage a weekly shop, the rent and a family.

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