
Saturday 12 March 2016

NHS privatisation: The Greatest Betrayal of Public Interest | Real Media - The News You Don't See

NHS privatisation: The Greatest Betrayal of Public Interest | Real Media - The News You Don't See

An interview with, Dr Bob Gill NHS GP of 22 years @drbobgill
Image via @NHAParty
Image via @NHAParty
By Victoria Egerton @VictoriaEgerto2
“The NHS is being transformed into an American style, private insurance dominated system”. Profit extraction is dismantling cost effective healthcare.
In 1968 Arthur Seldon (later Thatcher’s privatisation policy adviser) in his document ‘After the NHS’, said that to improve the NHS, we need to abolish it and provide profit opportunities in health insurance. In 1988, there were similar suggestions made by Conservative MPs Oliver Letwin and John Redwood.            
But, admitting NHS privatisation on any agenda is electoral, democratic and therefore political suicide. As a result, over the past 30 years, the government has embarked on a covert and gradual operation, distracting the public from the reality of privatisation.
The legal duty for the Secretary of State to provide healthcare has been abolished. Every step consecutive governments have taken was intended to dismantle your NHS and leave you so dissatisfied that you turn to private insurance.
“An American style healthcare system”
Simon Stevens is an ex-executive at UnitedHealth, a global American health insurance company. Ironically, Stevens is now the kingpin at NHS England, bringing with him his ‘Five Year Forward plan’.

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