
Monday 25 January 2016

London students refuse to pay rent and demand 40% cut | Education | The Guardian #housingcrisis #rentstrike #student

London students refuse to pay rent and demand 40% cut | Education | The Guardian

Students campaigning against the cost of accommodation at University College London.
 Students campaigning against the cost of accommodation at University College London. Photograph: UCL Cut the Rent
Students in London are refusing to pay rent in protest against “soaring” accomodation prices, and are demanding a 40% cut in rental.
More than 150 students in two halls of residence at University College London (UCL), are withholding rent amounting to over £250,000. The UCL ­Cut the Rent campaign says they will not pay until the university meets their demand for their rent to be cut by two-fifths. 
Angus O’Brien, an accommodation representative and an organiser of the campaign, says: “The cost of rent has gone up dramatically and it’s preventing people from studying at university. This is a massive problem across London and the country. We are showing that something can be done about rising rent prices; our action could be the start of something much wider.” 

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