
Saturday 18 April 2015

LOVE ACTIVISTS have seized control of a Bank of England building in Liverpool, Merseyside.#olsx @occupynn


LOVE ACTIVISTS have seized control of a Bank of England building in Liverpool, Merseyside.

In the early hours of this morning, Love Activists seized a disused Bank of England building, one of only 3 in the UK. This bank had been taken as part of the Love Activists 'Reclaim the Banks' initiative. Over the next few days, we want to create a welcoming community space and social centre, with rooms for performance art, film screenings, skillshares and workshops, as well as a free street kitchen and safe space for the whole community. 

We are issuing an urgent call out for:
 - POLITICAL SPEAKERS from any background
 - and, THE WHOLE LOCAL COMMUNITY to come down, join in and enjoy the new space.

If you are interested in using the space for anything at all, please contact Danny on 07956 520647. Be quick - we don't know how long we'll be able to hold onto the building.

As well as as many individuals as possible, we also have a Wishlist:

 - barricading equipment - wood, nails, drills, anything a bit 'DIY'
 - film screening equipment that can be lent (and some kind technical person to operate it!)
 - STREET KITCHEN - any donations of food, blankets, any unwanted clothing for the FREE SHOP.

No money please, only Love and yourselves!

More to be updated as the occupation commences.

Address - 31 Castle Street, Liverpool, Merseyside.


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