
Monday 6 October 2014

Scotland Wise Isles Rainbow Gathering Vision Council Tues Oct 7th

On this October Full Moon (2014), you're warmly invited to join the family at Roslin Glen for the visioning of a Celtic rainbow gathering in Scotland, mid 2015...

when? - Tues Oct 7th, 12pm
Camping at Roslin Glen from Sunday through Tuesday and for a few days for the duration of the vision council.

Bring your visions, scouting info, wholefood to share with the tribe. Go scout for potential gathering sites beforehand and bring your findings to council.

Welcoming everyone, especially those with info on potential & scouted sites for a gathering, connections to wholesale bulk food supply, equipment and tools recycling/second-hand, and however else the gathering may benefit...

A current vision is to stimulate Celtic gatherings all across celtic regions (Irleand, Cornwall, Brittany, Galicia, Scotland, Wales, and so on)...

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