This was served on us on Saturday afternoon to stop a 50 year olds birthday party. our rights are gradually and inexorably being removed by the Tory tyranny
When Love Activists Met Brighton & Hove City Council
Love Activists Brighton recently delivered their petition in support of the Solution Based Proposals to End Homelessness to their local council. They were invited to speak at the full council meeting held in the chambers of Brighton Town Hall, Thursday 28th January, 2016.
The solution based proposals were developed in consultation with the local community, prioritising feedback from rough sleepers. You can read the proposals, the rationale for them and sign the petition here.
Over 800 people have signed the petition online, while over 1000 handwritten signatures were gathered by people living on the streets. The petition is still gathering signatures now.
I livestreamed the full council meeting meeting from the public gallery on bambuser, (22 minutes in). It was also broadcast on the council’s website in higher definition (44mins, 34 secs in).
For the purposes of this project, the Love Activists have suspended their righteous cynicism about the democratic deficit, in order to give the council the opportunity to prove them wrong.
Ree represented the group and in her allocated 3 minutes she addressed the council respectfully, but firmly. She gave voice to the grief and anger we are all feeling, without becoming upset or angry. The Love Activists are at pains to remain non-party political and non-combative. Their intention is to inspire the council to actually implement the proposals, not to play the blame game with them.
Overall, the council’s response to the proposals was far warmer than could have been anticipated. Labour Councillor, Anne Meadows was the first to reply. Cllr Meadows expressed support for a full debate, which was encouraging. Her response seemed to comprise a defense of the current, failed homeless strategy, which was disappointing. She tried to respond to each of the 7 proposals but ran out of time. I will be looking forward to reading her thoughts in detail, as she said she would be forwarding her response in writing.
News: 100% made in Britain technology could potentially be exported to ‘many other cities around the world’.
The first driverless cars are about to hit UK roads, with plans to roll out electric passenger driverless vehicles to the roads of Royal Borough of Greenwich, London, under the GATEway (Greenwich Automated Transport Environment) project.
The cars' design is inspired on the driverless Ultra PODS being used at Heathrow's Terminal 5, however, they will not need rails to drive around the capital's south east borough.
Initially, only seven pods will be launched, driving around the O2 Arena in the Greenwich Peninsula as of July.
Site des occupant⋅e⋅s de la ZAD, territoire prévu pour la construction du futur aéroport de Notre-Dame-des-Landes.
La ZAD, c’est pour les aménageurs la Zone d’Aménagement Différé ; pour nous une Zone À Défendre : un bout de campagne à quelques kilomètres de Nantes (Bretagne) qui devrait, pour les décideurs, laisser place à un aéroport international.
Leur projet est de construire une plate-forme économique « Grand Ouest » d’envergure internationale allant de Nantes à Saint-Nazaire, qui ne formeraient plus qu’une seule et grande métropole. La réalisation de cette plate-forme demande de maîtriser tant le ciel, la mer, que la terre à travers le remplacement de l’actuel aéroport de Nantes par un nouveau à Notre-Dame-des-Landes, mais aussi l’agrandissement du port de Saint-Nazaire, la construction de nouvelles routes et autoroutes…
Nos désirs, en venant habiter sur l’emplacement prévu de l’aéroport, sont multiples : habiter sur un territoire en lutte, ce qui permet d’être proches des personnes qui s’y opposent depuis 40 ans et de pouvoir agir en temps de travaux ; profiter d’espaces laissés à l’abandon pour apprendre à vivre ensemble, à cultiver la terre, à être plus autonomes vis à vis du système capitaliste.
Ce site recueille des voix du mouvement d’occupation. Des voix plutôt que la voix : nous sommes une multitudes de groupes et d’individus avec des idées communes mais aussi beaucoup de différences.
We heard there was a gathering and protest in Paris and many places in France about the continuing removal of rights to protest and civil liberties during the ongoing state of emergency.
Protestors march against the state of emergency in Grenoble, France.
Photo by @Cyrielle_Lisa
While we were at the Paris Climate summit, the state had banned all political demonstrations of more than 2 people with a political message.
Demos by thousands of people still occurred in defiance of the draconian removal of civil liberties ,that still continues.
Winter is often seen as a time for rest and reflection. For many mammals it’s a time to make a nice warm den and hibernate for a few months, getting ready for the year ahead.
At Grow Heathrow, we’re often lured in to the traps of modern life – always doing, doing, doing and doing some more. This can all get a bit much and lead to burn out.
So, in an attempt to counter this, we’ve decided we’re going to hibernate for the month of February. This means we won’t be accepting any new volunteers for this period, in order to allow us to reflect on the past year, build the relationships within the already existing group and have a bit of a rest.
You’re still more than welcome, however, to visit us during the day, come to our workshops and events, and make suggestions for workshops for the coming months.
Also, in the first week of March – we’d love you to come and stay in order to help us get ready for our 6th Birthday celebrations!
Can you believe it?!! We’ve nearly made it to our 6th Birthday at Grow Heathrow!
To celebrate this amazing achievement there will be many a festivity on this fine first weekend of March, 4th-6th (and especially Saturday the 5th!)
Expect the usual…. cakes, music, dancing, skipped feasts, wellbeing, workshops, off-grid party and mischief…
and also the unusual…. Non-weddings (open to all), performance art, tree planting and more…
We are currently in the planning stages, and would really love to hear from people who would like to help shape this event – if you would like to offer a workshop, talk, performance…or anything that you think could contribute to the celebration do get in touch via:
Groundswell/ #heathrow13 party tomorrow night from 7.30pm at Sequoi cultural club, 1277 High Road N20 9HS nearest tube Totteridge & Whetstone. £3 donation for entry x
People at a free party in an east London warehouse. Police can stop any party of more than 20 people in open air or unlicensed premises. Photograph: Frantzesco Kangaris for the Guardian
More than 2,500 people plan to dance through the streets of east London on Saturday in a call to end persecution of the UK’s free party movement.
The Freedom to Party protest is due to kick off at 2.30pm in Shoreditch. “Remember to bring all portable speakers, mini rigs, 12v rigs etc anything that plays music,” organisers have said.
More than 2,500 people have indicated they will attend the event, which has been organised on Facebook. A similar number have said they are interested in attending.
The organisers, who go by the name Acid City, insist the protest will pass peacefully, if not without disruption. “Make sure you are all there and spread out on the street as soon as you get there,” a message tells followers on Facebook. “This will be one to remember, let them know we mean peace, love, unity and respect. All we want to do is dance.”
Regulatory cooperation under the proposed EU-US trade deal (TTIP) will strengthen corporate lobbyists’ hand in attacking public interest legislation and curb the power of elected politicians according to a report released today.
TTIP’s regulatory cooperation chapter seeks to align existing and future EU and US standards, restricting the ability of elected representatives to introduce measures and standards in the public interest.
From curbing environmental protection rules, to helping financial conglomerates escape scrutiny; from sidestepping data privacy legislation, to delaying rules on animal testing, the case studies in the report show that lobbyists have made much use of regulatory cooperation to subvert public interest law-making and advance a transatlantic corporate agenda.
Looking forward, but most importantly moving forward, is what the co-operative sector should be focussed on this year. Especially in political circles.
Mr McDonnell also talked about a “right-to-own” policy for workers to own a stake in the organisation they work for. It’s a policy that was adopted by Ed Miliband when he was leader, and one that has been pushed consistently by the Co-operative Party.
Setting into motion his and Jeremy Corbyn’s future policies, Mr McDonnell told delegates at the Manchester conference that the economy is failing and the answer is all about fairness.
Fairness can be one word to perfectly sum up the principles that make co-ops. So it’s clear that co-operatives need to speak up and find sustainable solutions to help fix all parts of the economy.
As reported previously on Wamda, the teams attending the first Kuwait Global Technopreneurship Challenge were trying to answer questions related to local issues: how can health informatics be advanced? How can personalized learning be improved? How can solar energy be more efficient and economical?
One of those teams was E-Innovation. Taking second place in the overall competition they won 1,250 Kuwaiti dinars (USD 4,120) for their Solar Cooker - a portable device, easy to transport and store, it is made up of parts that are fitted simply together, kind of like IKEA products.
From left to right: Mahmoud Mousa, Abdullah Osama and Ahmed Essam. (Images via Solar Cooker)
Using the sun as a renewable energy source their device is currently at the stage of improving the design and efficiency. They are also studying the market. Abdullah Osama, one of the team members told Wamda that it will be marketed soon.
How does the solution work?
Ultimately, it’s a low cost product, easy to set up and store, requires little care and supervision, needs no fuel, electricity or gas. It produces zero emissions and is safer for children.
The tech part is very simple. A reflector is used to gauge sunlight into the box through a transparent medium, and the infrared radiation increases the temperature inside the box reaching high temperatures to cook the food.
All in all it’s deemed to be an efficient, realistic and viable way of benefiting from solar energy.