Resistance to fascism and racism in the East End
6pm - 12am tonight,
The Rag Factory, 16-18 Heneage Street, London EL 5LJ
Organised by London Anti-Fascists - AFN
[Free entry / donations]
Presentations * speakers * food * organising * Pandit g of Asian Dub Foundation, Awate, and more
Saturday, 31 August 2013
U.N. Says Likely Rebels Used Chemical Weapons NOT Syrian Government!
This BBC report from May 2013 UN says the Rebels likely used chemical weapons.
Russias president Putin also raises the question today ,why would the regime use chemical weapons ,when it has the military advantage at the moment and knows that it would bring massive wetern retaliation.
This is part of a long plan to dominate or invade up to 7 countries in the middle east.
False flag operations propaganda and lies have been used for many years to start unpopular wars,causing misery and vast profits for the bankers and corporations of the military industrial complex.
Non violent direct action,civil disobedience and blockades of key places are the best way to stop the war machine ,take action in your area,Reclaim the Power,People have the Power.Keep networking.
Beating the Bailiffs - UK Indymedia
Beating the Bailiffs - UK Indymedia
In Britain today the Coalition Government and local councils are waging a war on the poor. It was the boundless greed of the bankers and financiers which created the financial crisis yet ordinary people are being forced to pay the massive debts run up by these parasites. We are being asked to pay more Council Tax while vital local services are being ruthlessly slashed. At the same time the millionaire bankers go on taking their multi-million pound salaries and bonuses.
Twenty odd years ago the Government introduced the notorious, unfair Poll Tax. Millions of people refused to pay up. Councils tried to use the courts and bailiffs against the refuseniks but there were too many cases so the system clogged up. The Government had to abandon the Poll Tax. We can do the same again. The more of us who don't pay the harder it will be to persecute us. People who can afford to pay Council Tax should not do so in solidarity with people being pushed below the poverty line.
In Britain today the Coalition Government and local councils are waging a war on the poor. It was the boundless greed of the bankers and financiers which created the financial crisis yet ordinary people are being forced to pay the massive debts run up by these parasites. We are being asked to pay more Council Tax while vital local services are being ruthlessly slashed. At the same time the millionaire bankers go on taking their multi-million pound salaries and bonuses.
Twenty odd years ago the Government introduced the notorious, unfair Poll Tax. Millions of people refused to pay up. Councils tried to use the courts and bailiffs against the refuseniks but there were too many cases so the system clogged up. The Government had to abandon the Poll Tax. We can do the same again. The more of us who don't pay the harder it will be to persecute us. People who can afford to pay Council Tax should not do so in solidarity with people being pushed below the poverty line.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Anniversary celebration occupation and liberation of Friern Barnet Library, next Thursday, 5th September 7pm.- a preview of the book 'Barnet Library - Occupied and Opened
Exactly a year since the occupation and liberation of Friern Barnet Library, there will be an amazing anniversary celebration next Thursday, 5th September 7pm. There will be a preview of the book 'Barnet Library - Occupied and Opened', edited by Rosie Canning with contributions by Pete Phoenix, Reema Patel, Richard Stein, Sarah Sackman, Mike Gee and many more. Several authors will be coming in to read their work. Posters, pre-order forms, art work and printouts will be available.The
book features the community voices and community spirit that went into
saving the Friern Barnet Library. We look forward to seeing you there.
Resist the attack on Syria - Smash the arms trade - demonstrate 3rd Sept at EDO
Resist the attack on Syria - Smash the arms trade - demonstrate 3rd Sept at EDO
Resist the attack on Syria > No to imperialist wars and the companies that profit from them
Stop the arms fair
Cameron and his cronies are pushing hard for an attack on Syria. This isn't because of any genuine concern for the victims of Assad's regime or support for freedom for the Syrian people. Instead the reason for the involvement of the UK and its allies is a cynical desire to exert greater. control over the region. An attack will have disastrous consequences for the people of Syria and beyond. Some of the weapons used by UK forces will be supplied by the EDO factory.
From September 9th the world's largest arms fair will be taking place in London. Representatives of EDO will be peddling their wares to dictators and despots from all over the world.
Come and show your anger outside the EDO factory. Bring pots and pans to make yourself heard. The best way to support the struggles for freedom from oppression and imperialism being waged globally is to target those who supply the means of oppression.
Smash EDO > / >
Stop the arms fair
Cameron and his cronies are pushing hard for an attack on Syria. This isn't because of any genuine concern for the victims of Assad's regime or support for freedom for the Syrian people. Instead the reason for the involvement of the UK and its allies is a cynical desire to exert greater. control over the region. An attack will have disastrous consequences for the people of Syria and beyond. Some of the weapons used by UK forces will be supplied by the EDO factory.
From September 9th the world's largest arms fair will be taking place in London. Representatives of EDO will be peddling their wares to dictators and despots from all over the world.
Come and show your anger outside the EDO factory. Bring pots and pans to make yourself heard. The best way to support the struggles for freedom from oppression and imperialism being waged globally is to target those who supply the means of oppression.
Smash EDO > / >
Tell Your MP To Oppose Attack On Syria
Tell Your MP To Oppose Attack On Syria
You can easily send a message to your MP via the Stop The War website at
For furthre information email
Thursday, 29 August 2013
No war on Syria Global March Parliament square 1 pm sat 31st August network it
No war on Syria Global March March Parliament square 1 pm sat 31st August 2013
Please Invite and share with all your Friends. PEACE IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD...

Please Invite and share with all your Friends. PEACE IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD...

London SW1P 3 London, United Kingdom
This event is a good start but if we want to stop this illegal war we must engage in civil disobedience and a prolonged campaign of non violent direct action against the military industrial war machine and their bankster masters.
Syria braces for Western 'limited strikes' — RT News
Syria braces for Western 'limited strikes' — RT News

"We live in the capital. Every turn, every street, every neighbourhood has some government target. Where do we hide?" a resident tells the press.
"We live in the capital. Every turn, every street, every neighbourhood has some government target. Where do we hide?" a resident tells the press.
Occupy News Network - Release Information - Unleash Your Future
Occupy News Network - Release Information - Unleash Your Future
For info on activities worldwide from the occupy movement.
Also tweeting about actions against the illegal syrian war.
Keep networking take action ,build the civil disobedience and stop the military industrial war machine and its corporate oil/banking masters.
For info on activities worldwide from the occupy movement.
Also tweeting about actions against the illegal syrian war.
Keep networking take action ,build the civil disobedience and stop the military industrial war machine and its corporate oil/banking masters.
Stop The War protest in Whitehall turns to civil disobedience – report & pics - UK Indymedia
Stop The War protest in Whitehall turns to civil disobedience – report & pics - UK Indymedia
While ‘Stop The War’ glitterati continued their speeches at the planned
‘Don’t Attack Syria’ protest this evening in Whitehall, a large part of
the crowd took matters into their own hands and blocked the rush-hour
traffic for over an hour, seizing the road outside Downing Street in an
act of civil disobedience leading to just one arrest. ( Full article link above)
Phoenix says if we want to stop the false flag war mongers and bankers in their ILLEGAL wars of control and domination, then we need direct action and civil disobedience on a mass scale.
We have seen with the Iraq war how A_B marches by millions of people and the majority opposing the wars, our corporate controlled democracies will press ahead with illegal wars anyway to make the vast profits for their corporate masters.
So don't wait for the main official demos ( network and support them as well) but form affinity groups of friends and concerned citizens for peace in your area and take action.
Reclaim the streets,blockade and barricade key points of the war machine and the city that controls it.
Reclaim the streets Reclaim the power. Now is the moment of power the war mongers are wavering as they feel the mass of public opinion shifting against this war.That claims humanitarian principle,s yet will indiscriminately slaughter men women and children with their not accurate smart bombs fired on civilian areas.
Take action keep networking see you on the streets.
Phoenix says if we want to stop the false flag war mongers and bankers in their ILLEGAL wars of control and domination, then we need direct action and civil disobedience on a mass scale.
We have seen with the Iraq war how A_B marches by millions of people and the majority opposing the wars, our corporate controlled democracies will press ahead with illegal wars anyway to make the vast profits for their corporate masters.
So don't wait for the main official demos ( network and support them as well) but form affinity groups of friends and concerned citizens for peace in your area and take action.
Reclaim the streets,blockade and barricade key points of the war machine and the city that controls it.
Reclaim the streets Reclaim the power. Now is the moment of power the war mongers are wavering as they feel the mass of public opinion shifting against this war.That claims humanitarian principle,s yet will indiscriminately slaughter men women and children with their not accurate smart bombs fired on civilian areas.
Take action keep networking see you on the streets.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
The Subterfuge of Syrian Chemical Weapons - UK Indymedia
The Subterfuge of Syrian Chemical Weapons - UK Indymedia
...Some times before the military industrial banking complex starts these wars we get to glimpse the lies behind the media spin.For those who search the alternative and social media, many glimpses are seen of the lies and propaganda.
How many times will we fall for this set up,where were the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
To attack with a war off aggression, another sovereign nation is against International law.
There is no justification in International law.they claim humanitarian intervention a precedent has been set since Kosovo,yet the UN did not give any resolution to go in ,the decision was made by NATO.
I was shocked to hear recently that the fascist regime of Hitlers Nazis claimed it was a humanitarian Intervention in Poland,also Mussolini claimed humanitarian intervention in Abyssinia.
Interesting quotes from the linked Indymedia article .
. "The fact that this UN mission is in Syria in response to an official request sent by the Syrian government to the UN Security Council on March 19, 2013 to investigate the first chemical attack, which was launched then from the positions of the U.S. – sponsored armed gangs fighting the Syrian regime on the government – held northern town of Khan al_A’ssal, as well as the fact that the U.S. for five months opposed such an investigation unless the UN adopts it as an “inspection” mission all over Syria, are self – evident enough facts to leave no doubt about the real intentions of the United States."
In view of the Syrian government’s confirmation of the use of chemical weapons, Kerry’s statement on Monday that it “is real, that chemical weapons were used in Syria,” and the confirmation of their use by the Syrian so called “opposition” and its western and Arab sponsors, their use is already a forgone conclusion.
Is it not surprising and a waste of time then to send the UN independent commission of inquiry to investigate a forgone conclusion that all parties take for granted as a fact!
Kerry quoted Ban Ki - moon as saying last week that “the U.N. investigation will not determine who used these chemical weapons, only whether such weapons were used.”
If the investigators’ mandate is only to confirm what is already “is undeniable,” in Kerry’s words, why were the UN investigators stripped of the mandate of determining “who” used the chemical weapons in Syria, if not to leave it up to the U.S. & partners to decide in advance as a prejudged conclusion that “There's no doubt who is responsible: The Syrian regime,” according to Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday, to be consistent with their plans for a regime change in Damascus, and let the truth go to hell."
...Some times before the military industrial banking complex starts these wars we get to glimpse the lies behind the media spin.For those who search the alternative and social media, many glimpses are seen of the lies and propaganda.
How many times will we fall for this set up,where were the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
To attack with a war off aggression, another sovereign nation is against International law.
There is no justification in International law.they claim humanitarian intervention a precedent has been set since Kosovo,yet the UN did not give any resolution to go in ,the decision was made by NATO.
I was shocked to hear recently that the fascist regime of Hitlers Nazis claimed it was a humanitarian Intervention in Poland,also Mussolini claimed humanitarian intervention in Abyssinia.
Interesting quotes from the linked Indymedia article .
. "The fact that this UN mission is in Syria in response to an official request sent by the Syrian government to the UN Security Council on March 19, 2013 to investigate the first chemical attack, which was launched then from the positions of the U.S. – sponsored armed gangs fighting the Syrian regime on the government – held northern town of Khan al_A’ssal, as well as the fact that the U.S. for five months opposed such an investigation unless the UN adopts it as an “inspection” mission all over Syria, are self – evident enough facts to leave no doubt about the real intentions of the United States."
In view of the Syrian government’s confirmation of the use of chemical weapons, Kerry’s statement on Monday that it “is real, that chemical weapons were used in Syria,” and the confirmation of their use by the Syrian so called “opposition” and its western and Arab sponsors, their use is already a forgone conclusion.
Is it not surprising and a waste of time then to send the UN independent commission of inquiry to investigate a forgone conclusion that all parties take for granted as a fact!
Kerry quoted Ban Ki - moon as saying last week that “the U.N. investigation will not determine who used these chemical weapons, only whether such weapons were used.”
If the investigators’ mandate is only to confirm what is already “is undeniable,” in Kerry’s words, why were the UN investigators stripped of the mandate of determining “who” used the chemical weapons in Syria, if not to leave it up to the U.S. & partners to decide in advance as a prejudged conclusion that “There's no doubt who is responsible: The Syrian regime,” according to Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday, to be consistent with their plans for a regime change in Damascus, and let the truth go to hell."
Strike against Assad regime stalled by British political rows | World news | The Guardian
Strike against Assad regime stalled by British political rows | World news | The Guardian

Allied air strikes against the Syrian government over the alleged use of chemical weapons could be delayed until next week in the face of strong opposition in the UK parliament to British involvement in immediate military action.
The British prime minister, David Cameron, conceded that MPs would be given a second vote to approve military action to defuse a parliamentary revolt, ahead of a Commons debate on Syria on Thursday. Whitehall sources indicated that the US, which had planned to launch the strikes by the weekend, is prepared to revive a back-up plan to delay the strikes until Tuesday when Barack Obama is due to set out for the G20 summit in Russia.
Such a move by the Obama administration would effectively hand Cameron a political lifeline after the opposition Labour party threatened to inflict a defeat on the Conservative-led coalition in parliament.
Allied air strikes against the Syrian government over the alleged use of chemical weapons could be delayed until next week in the face of strong opposition in the UK parliament to British involvement in immediate military action.
The British prime minister, David Cameron, conceded that MPs would be given a second vote to approve military action to defuse a parliamentary revolt, ahead of a Commons debate on Syria on Thursday. Whitehall sources indicated that the US, which had planned to launch the strikes by the weekend, is prepared to revive a back-up plan to delay the strikes until Tuesday when Barack Obama is due to set out for the G20 summit in Russia.
Such a move by the Obama administration would effectively hand Cameron a political lifeline after the opposition Labour party threatened to inflict a defeat on the Conservative-led coalition in parliament.
Call for 28 day rolling anti-fracking blockade (1st-28th September) - UK Indymedia
Call for 28 day rolling anti-fracking blockade (1st-28th September) - UK Indymedia
No Fracking Way!
Call for 28 day rolling anti-fracking blockade (1st-28th September)
No Fracking Way! |
27.08.2013 11:30
The zombie of fossil fuels staggers on to savage humanity, it’s time to take it down. There is only one way we can protect our water supply and meet our climate obligations: leave it in the ground.
Cuadrilla’s license to drill at Balcombe runs out on 28 September.
After the upsurge of climate activism at Reclaim The Power, let’s make these last 28 days count, stopping their work there and showing those wanting to frack elsewhere what to expect.
Boost the blockades. Trucks come in on weekdays from the early morning. Pick a weekday before September 28, gather useful kit and useful friends and get to Balcombe.
Fracking is stoppable, another world is possible.
* People are reminded that this is a peaceful blockade and that the Balcombe camp is alcohol-free.
The zombie of fossil fuels staggers on to savage humanity, it’s time to take it down. There is only one way we can protect our water supply and meet our climate obligations: leave it in the ground.
Cuadrilla’s license to drill at Balcombe runs out on 28 September.
After the upsurge of climate activism at Reclaim The Power, let’s make these last 28 days count, stopping their work there and showing those wanting to frack elsewhere what to expect.
Boost the blockades. Trucks come in on weekdays from the early morning. Pick a weekday before September 28, gather useful kit and useful friends and get to Balcombe.
Fracking is stoppable, another world is possible.
* People are reminded that this is a peaceful blockade and that the Balcombe camp is alcohol-free.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Don't attack Syria demo weds
'Don't attack Syria' emergency demo outside Downing Street tmrw (weds) from 5-7 PM called by Stop The War coalition. Pls share and come along in peaceful solidarity with all life on earth.
Monday, 26 August 2013
July manifestations in brazil talk at mare st social centre hackney
Monday 26th at 19h talk and discussion on the july manifestations in brazil. The shots against social segregation, police violence and the world cup. At mare st social centre come down :)
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Bank holiday havin it party
Yes yes now party people this sat 24th bank holiday weekend there's only 1 place to be ;) STATIK SOUNDS//CHEMICALLY DRIVEN//KARTOON SOUNDS//CONTAGIOUS SOUNDS//FTP//TRIBAL ENERGY//AZMA\\DISCOBOB all join forces to make this 1 hell of a weekend !! The time is apon us to unite as one to defeat the popo, Corrupt government , money minsing mp's and anyone else who has fucked our country,our lives !! Get ur tents out as were going till Monday call 07971774035 or 07955393082 after 10pm on the night ! Leave ur attitudes at home No mugs or thugs , pass this on to 10 safe ravers and seeya at the stacks ;).
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Day of workshops night of wonders !! Sat 10am-6pm nw5
Day of Workshops, Night of Wonders! This sat 10am-6pm free classes: flamenco, qigong, laughter yoga, afrodance, poetry +free lunch. 6pm+ live poetry, bands, dancers, fire+bubble show, open mic&jamming.Cheap bar, food+cake. Sug don £5- all for the artists. Bring friends,instruments&joy! 8-9 Spring Pl, NW5
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Made possible by squatting request for support
Hey all we're working on a project for made possible by squatting (which is coming up fast!) we really need your help compiling a list of london squats that have been evicted since the new law came in. This will find its way into a really sick piece that will exist in the project space and after will be given to our squatting community to add to. please email Solidarity x
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Mass residential sleepover against bedroom tax at hackney town hall, mare st, saturday, 7pm
Mass residential sleepover against bedroom tax at hackney town hall, mare st, saturday, 7pm. Squatters protesting about squatting and housing in general apparently welcome. Maybe make it into a demo as well.
Monday, 19 August 2013
Squat law anniversary action meet 7 pm tues 20th aug 195 mare st hackney new social centre
Squat law Sec 144 Anniversary Weekend of Action is in just two weeks! Around sept 1st Come and meet other squatters, share ideas/ legal info, and get inspired, so you can join in with decentralised actions.. Meeting time changed to 7pm on tuesday 2Oth aug at new social centre 195 mare st.hackney .. Please it
Berlin: Raids and Demonstrations - "We are not scared". - UK Indymedia
Berlin: Raids and Demonstrations - "We are not scared". - UK Indymedia

*[In Germany it is illegal to hold a demonstration without informing the police beforehand.]
*[In Germany it is illegal to hold a demonstration without informing the police beforehand.]
Blogger and photographer tortured, lawyer held for tweeting about it | Blogs | Amnesty International UK
Blogger and photographer tortured, lawyer held for tweeting about it | Blogs | Amnesty International UK
Left: Hussain Hubail, Right: Mohamed Hassan © Copyright: BCHR
In a further attack on free speech, the Bahrain authorities have detained and tortured blogger Mohammad Hassan Sudayf and photographer Hussain Hubail, apparently for sharing information on social networks.
They have also arrested one of the men’s lawyers after he tweeted that he had seen signs Mohammad Hassan Sudayf had been tortured, along with details of the charges against the two men, which include ‘inciting hatred against the regime’
In a further attack on free speech, the Bahrain authorities have detained and tortured blogger Mohammad Hassan Sudayf and photographer Hussain Hubail, apparently for sharing information on social networks.
They have also arrested one of the men’s lawyers after he tweeted that he had seen signs Mohammad Hassan Sudayf had been tortured, along with details of the charges against the two men, which include ‘inciting hatred against the regime’
Stop The Arms Fair The government is welcoming the world’s worst human rights abusing regimes to shop for weapons in London. WHAT WILL YOU DO?
Stop The Arms Fair
The government is welcoming the world’s worst human rights abusing regimes to shop for weapons in London. WHAT WILL YOU DO?
A massive arms fair is planned to take place in the UK in September 2013. The UK government plans to invite human rights abusing regimes, such as Algeria, Bahrain, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam, to the London arms fair to court them and sell them weapons.
The government is welcoming the world’s worst human rights abusing regimes to shop for weapons in London. WHAT WILL YOU DO?
A massive arms fair is planned to take place in the UK in September 2013. The UK government plans to invite human rights abusing regimes, such as Algeria, Bahrain, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam, to the London arms fair to court them and sell them weapons.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Psy safe Party tonightis indoors @ Stockholm road SE16 3LA South Bermoundsey area
Psy safe Party tonight is indoors @ Stockholm road SE16 3LA South Bermoundsey area
Occupy vs the Arms Fair
Occupy vs the Arms Fair
Occupy vs. The Arms Fair
Occupy vs. The Arms Fair | 13.08.2013 20:24 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War
The DSEI Arms Fair is a global showroom of bloodshed and profit.
Come and create a mass action against the arms fair in solidarity with the international struggles for justice.
Interview with anti-DSEI activist - Grassroots Takeover - mp3 41M
Interview with anti-DSEI activist - Grassroots Takeover - mp3 41M
In 2011 all across the world people took to the streets in from Greece to Spain from Egypt to New York. These uprisings where the first glimpse of a global movement against political and economic injustice. In 2013 the movement continues and has spread to Turkey and Brazil where people face brutal state repression.
Many of the weapons being used against the people in these countries are made by British companies, and sold with the support of the UK government, in a trade subsidised by the taxpayer. All of this in the midst of devastating cuts to public services in the UK.
This September international weapons companies will be meeting warmongers and human rights abusers at one of the world’s largest arms fairs to make the deals that will send deadly weapons around the world to repress the 99%. From the tear gas in Turkey, Egypt and Brazil to the weapons of the Syrian Assad Regime the DSEI Arms Fair is a global showroom of bloodshed and profit.
Come and create a mass action against the arms fair in solidarity with the international struggles for justice.
Sunday, September the 8th 12noon
Near the Excel Centre, which hosts the arms fair.
The meeting point will be announced on Saturday 7th September at 12 noon in the following places:
Infoline: 07766 323978
Twitter: @stopthearmsfair
This Facebook event
and on
What to bring: Friends, banners, music, food, fun, water, costumes, drums..
Keep updated at:
Occupy vs. The Arms Fair
Occupy vs. The Arms Fair
Occupy vs. The Arms Fair | 13.08.2013 20:24 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War
The DSEI Arms Fair is a global showroom of bloodshed and profit.
Come and create a mass action against the arms fair in solidarity with the international struggles for justice.
Interview with anti-DSEI activist - Grassroots Takeover - mp3 41M
Interview with anti-DSEI activist - Grassroots Takeover - mp3 41M
In 2011 all across the world people took to the streets in from Greece to Spain from Egypt to New York. These uprisings where the first glimpse of a global movement against political and economic injustice. In 2013 the movement continues and has spread to Turkey and Brazil where people face brutal state repression.
Many of the weapons being used against the people in these countries are made by British companies, and sold with the support of the UK government, in a trade subsidised by the taxpayer. All of this in the midst of devastating cuts to public services in the UK.
This September international weapons companies will be meeting warmongers and human rights abusers at one of the world’s largest arms fairs to make the deals that will send deadly weapons around the world to repress the 99%. From the tear gas in Turkey, Egypt and Brazil to the weapons of the Syrian Assad Regime the DSEI Arms Fair is a global showroom of bloodshed and profit.
Come and create a mass action against the arms fair in solidarity with the international struggles for justice.
Sunday, September the 8th 12noon
Near the Excel Centre, which hosts the arms fair.
The meeting point will be announced on Saturday 7th September at 12 noon in the following places:
Infoline: 07766 323978
Twitter: @stopthearmsfair
This Facebook event
and on
What to bring: Friends, banners, music, food, fun, water, costumes, drums..
Keep updated at:
Occupy vs. The Arms Fair
Thursday, 15 August 2013
All London squatters meet up tues 20th aug network it.1 year since the criminalisation of squatting
All London squatters meet up , one year since criminalisation.squat film screening and chat on upcoming autonomous actions, around sept 1st, bring skip to share at new social centre 195 mare st hackney
Tues 20th August 6-10 pm
Tues 20th August 6-10 pm
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Reclaim The Power Camp moved to Balcombe franking protest
Reclaim The Power Camp moved to Balcombe franking protest
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Monday, 12 August 2013
Truth Now - Occupy Wall Street - YouTube
Truth Now - Occupy Wall Street - YouTube
Got to hang out over a couple of days with this american rapper Truth Now
Got some great lyrics especially the one about the Navy Seal Team and Bin Laden.
Rapping from on top of a Police car at Occupy Wall St eviction i think he said,Yes frontline lyrics Stylee...
Got to hang out over a couple of days with this american rapper Truth Now
Got some great lyrics especially the one about the Navy Seal Team and Bin Laden.
Rapping from on top of a Police car at Occupy Wall St eviction i think he said,Yes frontline lyrics Stylee...
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Massive resistance tomorrow 6 am at Kentish town studios
Calling all renegades pirates and vigilantes MASSIVE RESISTANCE tommorow @ 6am kentish town studios (Los Asbestos, TA, squatney wick crew). Address is 8 Anglers lane, Kentish Town NW53D..come over tonight for food, fun and to prepare for battle...lets prove its possible to resist high court bailiffs RESPECT EXISTANCE OR EXPECT RESISTANCE!!
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Reclaim the power moves to balcombe Sussex
Spread the word! In response to call for support, Reclaim the Power is moving to Balcombe, Sussex, where community is opposing fracking. 40 mins from London. Gonna be big.
The Mass Sleep Out - National day of action against the bedroom tax! - UK Indymedia
The Mass Sleep Out - National day of action against the bedroom tax! - UK Indymedia
August 24th sees a national day of action against the bedroom tax, with over 2,000 people sleeping on the streets in more than 45 towns & cities across the UK to highlight the impending mass homelessness due to bedroom tax victims being unable to make ends meet.
August 24th sees a national day of action against the bedroom tax, with over 2,000 people sleeping on the streets in more than 45 towns & cities across the UK to highlight the impending mass homelessness due to bedroom tax victims being unable to make ends meet.
Monday, 5 August 2013
ACAB take over Canton Police Station in Cardiff - UK Indymedia
ACAB take over Canton Police Station in Cardiff - UK Indymedia
In the early hours of Sunday morning, we entered and occupied Canton Police Station. We did not ask for permission, as it is our legal right to do so. Given Cardiff Police abandoned the building over a year ago, kindly leaving twelve different open windows for us to choose our entrance from, permission seemed a bit of a formality anyway.
In the early hours of Sunday morning, we entered and occupied Canton Police Station. We did not ask for permission, as it is our legal right to do so. Given Cardiff Police abandoned the building over a year ago, kindly leaving twelve different open windows for us to choose our entrance from, permission seemed a bit of a formality anyway.
We squat because we believe that corporations and landlords have
no right to hold property empty for their own profit while people less
lucky are homeless, that people should not have to sell their freedom to
employers or jump through government hoops to put a roof over their
heads, and that the police should not be allowed to act as hired muscle
for the rich and powerful, consistently ignoring, abusing and outright
breaking the law to maintain the interests of the ruling classes.
We are squatting here to show our disgust at the way the police use their power to oppress others for their own ends. Since the murder of Lynette White shone a light on the corruption of Cardiff Police, the people of Cardiff have seen for themselves that the police don't protect the public only themselves: while innocent people lost years of their lives in prison, the three cops who set them up - to protect the real murderer - walked free, pardoned by the IPCC in a move that made it clear just who the police care about. We squat here to show Cardiff Police not everyone is afraid.
To have a home is a basic right, not a commodity to be exploited as a resource by landlords for money and by the state to keep us in our place. Taking the building we act as individuals in a community we have made for ourselves, showing our defiance of the culture of fear the police maintain, and our will to resist oppression and support ourselves and on another.
We are squatting here to show our disgust at the way the police use their power to oppress others for their own ends. Since the murder of Lynette White shone a light on the corruption of Cardiff Police, the people of Cardiff have seen for themselves that the police don't protect the public only themselves: while innocent people lost years of their lives in prison, the three cops who set them up - to protect the real murderer - walked free, pardoned by the IPCC in a move that made it clear just who the police care about. We squat here to show Cardiff Police not everyone is afraid.
To have a home is a basic right, not a commodity to be exploited as a resource by landlords for money and by the state to keep us in our place. Taking the building we act as individuals in a community we have made for ourselves, showing our defiance of the culture of fear the police maintain, and our will to resist oppression and support ourselves and on another.
Illegal Eviction resistance now Shoreditch
Illegal eviction at 5 ('perfume shop') great eastern street, ec2a. By shoreditch station.
‘1984 Day’: Restore the Fourth movement kickstarts nationwide anti-surveillance protest — RT USA
‘1984 Day’: Restore the Fourth movement kickstarts nationwide anti-surveillance protest — RT USA
A grassroots movement of Fourth Amendment activists is rallying across at least 20 US cities to protest illegal surveillance techniques by the American government.
The protests “1984 Day,” named for George Orwell’s classic novel about an ultramodern surveillance state, have taken place across the nations, most notably in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington DC.
A grassroots movement of Fourth Amendment activists is rallying across at least 20 US cities to protest illegal surveillance techniques by the American government.
The protests “1984 Day,” named for George Orwell’s classic novel about an ultramodern surveillance state, have taken place across the nations, most notably in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington DC.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Party Tonight Old School Valhalla (House/DNB) & Art Of Psy & Origin UK - Temple Of Noise (5 STAGES)
(161) Valhalla (House/DNB) & Art Of Psy & Origin UK - Temple Of Noise (5 STAGES)

TO :
Birthday boys and girls get in free!!!! ( if your birthday is on the 3th or 4th of August)
Live performances / lots of stalls
Opus & Funktion / Big Laser shows / 3D Decor
★★★★ Brand New Decor show case ★★★★
Psytrance / Teckno / DnB / Minimal / Breaks / Dubstep / Live Bands + much much more
TO :
Birthday boys and girls get in free!!!! ( if your birthday is on the 3th or 4th of August)
Live performances / lots of stalls
Opus & Funktion / Big Laser shows / 3D Decor
★★★★ Brand New Decor show case ★★★★
Psytrance / Teckno / DnB / Minimal / Breaks / Dubstep / Live Bands + much much more
The Land Is Ours TLIO Gathering at Hatfield Court, Herefordshire, HR6 0SD Saturday 31st August 2013 to Sunday 1st September
TLIO News - The Land Is Ours
Our website is being rebuilt...
Pure Genius - Wandsworth Eco-Village 1996
Our Mailing list continues
subscribe by email:
The Land Magazine

TLIO Gathering at Hatfield Court, Herefordshire, HR6 0SD
The Land Is Ours campaigns peacefully for access to the land, its resources, and the decision-making processes affecting them, for everyone, irrespective of race, gender or age.subscribe by email:
TLIO Gathering at Hatfield Court, Herefordshire, HR6 0SD
Saturday 31st August 2013 to Sunday 1st September
International Rainbow Gatherings dates this year for Greece,Russia,Australia,Canada,Germany,Belarus and Bulgaria
International Rainbow Gatherings dates this year for Greece,Russia,Australia,Canada,Germany,Belarus and Bulgaria

For more info check or
or check rainbow family on FB and check each countries family page.

Current Gatherings:
For more info check or
or check rainbow family on FB and check each countries family page.
Current Gatherings:
Europe Rainbow Gathering | 8 July, 2013 | GREECE | |||||||
Russia gathering | 8 July, 2013 | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | |||||||
National Vision Council | 1 August, 2013 | AUSTRALIA | |||||||
World Rainbow Gathering 2013 | 6 August, 2013 | CANADA | |||||||
Raw Food Gathering | 7 August, 2013 | GERMANY | |||||||
Belarus Rainbow Gathering | 7 August, 2013 | BELARUS | |||||||
4th Balkan rainbow gathering | 8 August, 2013 | BULGARIA |
Friday, 2 August 2013
Headlines for August 02, 2013 | Democracy Now!
Headlines for August 02, 2013 | Democracy Now
News round up from around the world,stay tuned to Democracy now for some real news.
Friern Barnet Library Update... a return visit
Filmed this the other day we popped in to see how the old library was doing, its ticking along with local voluntary support.New shelves and kids area is good.
But the council has still not delivered the 3 computers they offered 6 months ago, we still running on our 2 recycled machines.But we have broadband,rather than the wi fi phone system we operated during the occupation.
The lease is virtually signed for 2 years ,with one last confirmation needed on some insurance liability.
its been 6 months to get the lease signed,now we see how fast councils move (not).
Apparently the council is willing to give a slightly longer lease so we can get more grants.There has been a petition started to encourage them to hurry up and give a longer lease.
I just spent an hour on skype chatting to a library and occupation researcher for their PHD.
May put some of the transcript into the book we are writing.Launch date September 5th at the Liberated library.There is still 250 libraries in the UK to be closed or downgraded to voluntary.
Support your local library and services, occupy where necessary, love n resistance Phoenix
SQUATTERS LEGAL NETWORK | a legal support network for squatters
SQUATTERS LEGAL NETWORK | a legal support network for squatters

In most squatting cases, like these three, squatters are not committing Aggravated Trespass. Cops accusing them of committing the offence is tactic that is used against squatters to bully them out of their homes, so we need to be arguing more effectively why the Aggravated Trespass offence does NOT apply to us, and not get threatened out of our buildings. Seeing as bad things always come in threes we thought that it might be useful to take a look at the legislation.

Squatting ≠ Aggravated Trespass
We have recently been made aware of at least three incidents in which occupied buildings were attended by cops who threatened the occupants with arrest and charges of Aggravated Trespass unless they vacate the building.In most squatting cases, like these three, squatters are not committing Aggravated Trespass. Cops accusing them of committing the offence is tactic that is used against squatters to bully them out of their homes, so we need to be arguing more effectively why the Aggravated Trespass offence does NOT apply to us, and not get threatened out of our buildings. Seeing as bad things always come in threes we thought that it might be useful to take a look at the legislation.
Earth First! Summer Gathering - Home
Earth First! Summer Gathering - Home
to talk....share find out whats going on.... outdoors....hang out....laugh....
experience non hierarchical, low impact, family friendly living.
Watch this site for up-to-date information about this year's gathering!
Information |
a place for people involved in radical green direct action to come talk....share find out whats going on.... outdoors....hang out....laugh....
experience non hierarchical, low impact, family friendly living.
Watch this site for up-to-date information about this year's gathering!
Thursday, 1 August 2013
XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news |
XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news |
A top secret National Security Agency program allows analysts to
search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing
emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of
individuals, according to documents provided by whistleblower Edward
The NSA boasts in training materials that the program, called XKeyscore, is its "widest-reaching" system for developing intelligence from the internet.
The latest revelations will add to the intense public and congressional debate around the extent of NSA surveillance programs. They come as senior intelligence officials testify to the Senate judiciary committee on Wednesday, releasing classified documents in response to the Guardian's earlier stories on bulk collection of phone records and Fisa surveillance court oversight.
XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'
• XKeyscore gives 'widest-reaching' collection of online data
• NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches
• Sweeps up emails, social media activity and browsing history
• NSA's XKeyscore program – read one of the presentations
• NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches
• Sweeps up emails, social media activity and browsing history
• NSA's XKeyscore program – read one of the presentations
One presentation claims the XKeyscore program covers 'nearly everything a typical user does on the internet'
The NSA boasts in training materials that the program, called XKeyscore, is its "widest-reaching" system for developing intelligence from the internet.
The latest revelations will add to the intense public and congressional debate around the extent of NSA surveillance programs. They come as senior intelligence officials testify to the Senate judiciary committee on Wednesday, releasing classified documents in response to the Guardian's earlier stories on bulk collection of phone records and Fisa surveillance court oversight.
MIDEAST - Saudi prince defects from royal family: Report
MIDEAST - Saudi prince defects from royal family: Report
Saudi Prince Khalid Bin Farhan al-Saud has announced his defection from the royal family, referring to his “suffering” under reign of al-Saud and called on other princes to break their silence.
Saudi Prince Khalid Bin Farhan al-Saud has announced his defection from the royal family, referring to his “suffering” under reign of al-Saud and called on other princes to break their silence.
Camden Garden centre thurs film night 8pm- Samsara (100) Community Cinema Night
Camden Garden centre thurs film night 8pm- Samsara
(100) Community Cinema Night
All are welcome to another chilled and friendly gathering at the London Nomad Community Space.
This week we will be screening the widely acclaimed Samsara.
(100) Community Cinema Night
All are welcome to another chilled and friendly gathering at the London Nomad Community Space.
This week we will be screening the widely acclaimed Samsara.
RECLAIM THE POWER Info/benefit friday 2nd. 7pm- late. films, talks, live bands from 9pm(shopfloor sessions+) + djs. Donations on door. SE1 location: 07765191221
RECLAIM THE POWER Info/benefit friday 2nd. 7pm- late. films, talks, live bands from 9pm(shopfloor sessions+) + djs. Donations on door. SE1 location: 07765191221
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