Sunday, 30 June 2013
New Anti-squatting laws and the coming crackdown on occupations – Squash Campaign
Anti-squatting laws and the coming crackdown on occupations
A letter in today’s Guardian voices the concerns of unionists, students and MPs about possible new squatting laws. Here’s the full story.

It’s been less than a year since it became a criminal offence to take shelter in abandoned residential buildings, but it appears that the government is concerned that they haven’t yet caused enough misery and distress to homeless people. It’s looking increasingly likely that new proposals to extend the criminalisation of squatting to non-residential properties may be brought forward by the end of the year. As well as the disastrous impacts that this will have on those who rely on squatting to provide themselves with a home, these moves are likely to outlaw occupation as a political tactic, with wide-reaching implications for our right to protest.
The worrying bit is when Mike gets shoved back in his box, and we start hearing from people like Chris Grayling, the justice secretary. This has started happening over the last month or so, and it means it’s a policy they’re taking a serious interest in. Grayling has launched a consultation among MPs (he wouldn’t make the mistake of consulting the public on this again!). Apparently “We in the House have perhaps more awareness than anybody else about what is happening on the ground” – a fascinating insight into the fantastical perspectives of the most out-of-touch government in recent history – and sources close to Grayling have suggested that amendments could be introduced to a Bill going through parliament by the end of the year.

“Stopping short of criminalising squatting in non-residential buildings represents a balanced compromise … By limiting the offence to the unauthorised occupation of residential buildings, the Government will eliminate the risk that protest activities in non-residential premises such as university buildings are captured by the offence.”
While of course this vicious legislative assault was anything but a “balanced compromise”, it seems they have lost interest in achieving even a semblance of concern for protecting democratic rights. Along with Cameron’s attempt to distinguish our right to “legitimate” protest from the tactics of the Occupy movement, the signs are ominous for the future of democratic dissent.
(1)A person commits an offence if—
(a)the person is in a residential building as a trespasser having entered it as a trespasser,
(b)the person knows or ought to know that he or she is a trespasser, and
(c)the person is living in the building or intends to live there for any period.
The new law would probably be pretty much the same, but without the word “residential”. Under this law, university occupations, workplace occupations and library occupations would all be outlawed.

The best thing would be if proposals are never brought forward, as it will be much more difficult to defeat something at voting stage. We need to show them that this law will be unpopular and unworkable. Some things you can do:
1) Write to your MP and raise your concerns. MPs are being asked to tell Grayling what they think, so it’s worth trying to get your one to respond. There’s a sample email here.
2) If you are a member of a student union, trade union or anti-cuts group, talk to your group about endorsing this letter
3) Sign this petition calling for the repeal of section 144, the law making residential squatting criminal.
4) Get in touch with Squash if you’d like to help with our work – info[at]
5) Stay tuned for updates and information, and make sure others know about it.
Anti-squatting laws and the coming crackdown on occupations – Squash Campaign
It’s been less than a year since it became a criminal offence to take shelter in abandoned residential buildings, but it appears that the government is concerned that they haven’t yet caused enough misery and distress to homeless people. It’s looking increasingly likely that new proposals to extend the criminalisation of squatting to non-residential properties may be brought forward by the end of the year. As well as the disastrous impacts that this will have on those who rely on squatting to provide themselves with a home, these moves are likely to outlaw occupation as a political tactic, with wide-reaching implications for our right to protest.
What has the government said?
Of course, many bonkers back-benchers never stopped hounding the homeless since the last law came in, constantly pressing for an extension to non-residential properties. We all know these guys pretty well by now – Mike Weatherly, Tracey Crouch and their chums – a bunch of callous careerists who see an opportunity for self-advancement in persecuting some of the most vulnerable people in society. But we know as well as their party leaders do that this lot are clowns – useful to test the toxicity of particular policies, but otherwise probably given a wide berth in the dinner queue by anyone with any sense.The worrying bit is when Mike gets shoved back in his box, and we start hearing from people like Chris Grayling, the justice secretary. This has started happening over the last month or so, and it means it’s a policy they’re taking a serious interest in. Grayling has launched a consultation among MPs (he wouldn’t make the mistake of consulting the public on this again!). Apparently “We in the House have perhaps more awareness than anybody else about what is happening on the ground” – a fascinating insight into the fantastical perspectives of the most out-of-touch government in recent history – and sources close to Grayling have suggested that amendments could be introduced to a Bill going through parliament by the end of the year.
Why didn’t they criminalise non-residential squatting last time?
Certainly not out of the goodness of their hearts. Two key issues are the level of opposition that their proposals attracted, with 97% of consultation respondents raising serious concerns; and the fact that criminalising the unauthorised occupation of commercial properties obviously has dramatic implications for our right to protest. As they said in their consultation response:“Stopping short of criminalising squatting in non-residential buildings represents a balanced compromise … By limiting the offence to the unauthorised occupation of residential buildings, the Government will eliminate the risk that protest activities in non-residential premises such as university buildings are captured by the offence.”
While of course this vicious legislative assault was anything but a “balanced compromise”, it seems they have lost interest in achieving even a semblance of concern for protecting democratic rights. Along with Cameron’s attempt to distinguish our right to “legitimate” protest from the tactics of the Occupy movement, the signs are ominous for the future of democratic dissent.
What would further anti-squatting laws mean for the right to protest?
We do not know exactly what form a new law would take, but we can find some clues. Section 144, the current law against squatting in residential properties is phrased as follows:(1)A person commits an offence if—
(a)the person is in a residential building as a trespasser having entered it as a trespasser,
(b)the person knows or ought to know that he or she is a trespasser, and
(c)the person is living in the building or intends to live there for any period.
The new law would probably be pretty much the same, but without the word “residential”. Under this law, university occupations, workplace occupations and library occupations would all be outlawed.
What can we do?
The best thing would be if proposals are never brought forward, as it will be much more difficult to defeat something at voting stage. We need to show them that this law will be unpopular and unworkable. Some things you can do:
1) Write to your MP and raise your concerns. MPs are being asked to tell Grayling what they think, so it’s worth trying to get your one to respond. There’s a sample email here.
2) If you are a member of a student union, trade union or anti-cuts group, talk to your group about endorsing this letter
3) Sign this petition calling for the repeal of section 144, the law making residential squatting criminal.
4) Get in touch with Squash if you’d like to help with our work – info[at]
5) Stay tuned for updates and information, and make sure others know about it.
Guardian Letter: Government attack on non residential squatting and our rights to protest – Squash Campaign
Guardian Letter: Government attack on squatting September of last year, the government made it a criminal offence to squat unoccupied residential buildings. This move came at a time of a major housing crisis: there are currently around a million unoccupied or empty homes in the UK, and growing homelessness. Squatting is one of Britain’s oldest forms of tenancies, and communities and political movements have grown up around it.
There are now signs that the government is seeking to extend this criminalisation beyond the residential sector. As figures and representatives in the trade union and student movements, we are alarmed by the prospect of such legislation, which we believe may criminalise legitimate forms of direct action. Campus and workplace occupations have played a pivotal role in our movements, and at a time of austerity and massive assaults on education and the welfare state, this government is trying to criminalise resistance by the back door. We urge the government to drop these plans, and we will support workers and students in fighting them
Mark Serwotka, PCS General Secretary
Billy Hayes, CWU General Secretary
Patrick Murphy, NUT National Executive
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Linda Riordan MP
John Mcdonnell MP
Hannah Dee, Defend The Right To Protest
Linda Burnip, Disabled People Against Against Cuts
Dannielle Grufferty, NUS Vice President
Vicki Baars, NUS Vice President
Sky Yarlett, NUS LGBT Officer
Rosie Huzzard, NUS National Executive Council
Arianna Tassinari, NUS National Executive Council and international students’ representative
James McAsh – NUS National Executive Council
Michael Chessum, University of London Union President
Val Swain – Network For Police Monitoring
Vica Rogers – Occupy London
Sam Sender – Transition Heathrow
Joseph Blake – SQUASH Campaign
Mike Shaw, Edinburgh Student Housing Co-operative
Thais Yanez, Birkbeck College Students Union Anti-racism Anti-fascism officer
Grant Clarke, University of Portsmouth Student Union Activities
Daniel Cooper, University of London Union Vice President
Dominique Ucbas, VP Diversity & Advocacy, University of Strathclyde Students Union
Fairooz Aniqa, VP Diversity and Equality, University of the Creative Arts Student Union
Jamie Green, Vice President of Students’ Union Royal Holloway
Hannah Webb, UCLU External Affairs and Campaigns
Gordon Maloney – NUS Scotland President elect
Edwin Clifford-Coupe, UCLU Education and Campaigns Officer
Simon Furse, Birmingham University Guild VP Education
Alex Peters-Day, LSESU General Secretary
David East, Co-President Elect Democracy & Education, SOAS Students’ Union
Samuel Gaus, Democracy and Communications Officer, UCLU
Howard Littler Campaigns Officer elect, Goldsmiths Students Union
Tom Wragg, Birmingham University Guild, VP Democracy and Resources
Natasha Gorodnitski Ethics, Environment & Operations Officer, UCLU
Matthew Reuben, Royal Holloway Student Union Disabled Students Officer-elect
Daniel Warham – UCLU Democracy and Communications Officer-elect
Beth Sutton- UCLU Women’s Officer elect
Naomi Lauren Beecroft Naomi Beecroft, NCAFC NC
Keir Gallagher, UCLU Education and Campaigns Officer elect
Sean Farmelo, Community Action Officer, University of Birmingham Guild of Students
Abdi-aziz Suleiman, President of Sheffield University students’ union
Aisling Gallagher, NUS-USI Women’s Officer
Luke Durigan, NUS Higher Education Committee
Steve Martin, Farnham Campus Officer, University for the Creative Arts Students’ Union
Edward Maltby, NCAFC NC
Andrew Tindall, NCAFC NC
Dennis Esch, NUS NEC International students’ place
Jo Johnson, NUS NEC Women’s place
Jamie Woodcock, NUS NEC
Phoenix Rainbow, Friern Barnet Library Campaign
Guardian Letter: Government attack on squatting – Squash Campaign
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Parties tonight network it
Parties tonight
1) Psy Party is outdoor. Willesden junction area. At the end of Hythe road NW10 6RJ cross footbridge and you'll see us.
2) QUEER STREET PARTY - - TONIGHT - house of brag - 63 Sancroft Street, SE11 5UG - getting fabulous from 9pm to the streets from 10. ALTERNATIVE PRIDE AFTERPARTY
3) And for the northfolk! Hackney housing benefit @ the victoria pub e8, The Ruby Kid, Sensei C, OSA poets and Dissident Island DJS, 7.30-2. Solidarity with renters!
4) check shindig outdoor on fb
Or check
1) Psy Party is outdoor. Willesden junction area. At the end of Hythe road NW10 6RJ cross footbridge and you'll see us.
2) QUEER STREET PARTY - - TONIGHT - house of brag - 63 Sancroft Street, SE11 5UG - getting fabulous from 9pm to the streets from 10. ALTERNATIVE PRIDE AFTERPARTY
3) And for the northfolk! Hackney housing benefit @ the victoria pub e8, The Ruby Kid, Sensei C, OSA poets and Dissident Island DJS, 7.30-2. Solidarity with renters!
4) check shindig outdoor on fb
Or check
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Eviction resistance now needed in clapham
support needed Illegal eviction 136 landor road sw9 clapham. Aggressive owner won't let people leave. please come 20.43
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Monday, 24 June 2013
Brazil explodes in a furious feast of democracy | Bella Caledonia
Brazil explodes in a furious feast of democracy | Bella Caledonia
A well written blog on the Brazilian Awakening
The photo of the streets filled with people demanding change is awesome.
Time for a wold wide awakening
A well written blog on the Brazilian Awakening
The photo of the streets filled with people demanding change is awesome.
Time for a wold wide awakening
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Full strawberry moon party Salisbury Wiltshire
2nite full strawberry moon pty on planes.10til. djs.Lucas.j.Monroe.SavagCircuit.TouchTone.JayOm.ACanine.A:B:S.Ty-Fi ++.SailsburyArea 07769067154 pass.on.
Political hip hop night tonight
[In Brazil] We are writing History! - UK Indymedia
[In Brazil] We are writing History! - UK Indymedia
Blog from a supporter of the Free Pass movement.
Imagine the reduction in pollution if all public transport was free,buses and trains.
Blog from a supporter of the Free Pass movement.
Imagine the reduction in pollution if all public transport was free,buses and trains.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
FBU to lobby Mayor about fire station cuts
FBU to lobby the mayor about cuts
June 18, 2013
London firefighters will confront the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, directly today (19 June) in protest at his plans to close 12 fire stations, remove 18 engines and slash 520 frontline firefighter jobs. Members of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) will join a demonstration outside City Hall at 9.00am, before heading into the building to watch a session of Mayor’s Question Time, which commences at 10.00am. They will be joined at the demonstration by Labour politicians and other campaign supporters.
During the three-month-long public consultation process over the cuts, which concluded yesterday, the mayor refused to attend any of the public meetings held by the London fire authority, instead leaving it to the commissioner of the London Fire Brigade to face the wrath of the public. The mayor has also refused to meet with the FBU to hear the union’s concerns.
The union’s executive council member for London, Ian Leahair, said: “Boris Johnson has been trying to avoid firefighters ever since his planned cuts were announced. Now he can’t avoid us any longer. We will be going to City Hall to tell him that his cuts are reckless and wrong. They would lead to an increase in response times for millions of Londoners – a point conceded by the commissioner – and would inevitably cost lives.
“We have recently seen two incidents where casualties trapped in serious fires were rescued with seconds to spare by firefighters from stations on the mayor’s hit list. Had the cuts already taken effect, those individuals would almost certainly have died.
“There is widespread hostility to the cuts. Boris Johnson’s own fire authority has voted against them, as has the GLA and several local authorities – Conservative ones among them. We have also seen massive public opposition to the cuts.
“The mayor should abandon his plans immediately, and let London’s firefighters get on with the business of providing the world-class fire service that the capital deserves.”
Rahul Patel 07956 579466
June 18, 2013
London firefighters will confront the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, directly today (19 June) in protest at his plans to close 12 fire stations, remove 18 engines and slash 520 frontline firefighter jobs. Members of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) will join a demonstration outside City Hall at 9.00am, before heading into the building to watch a session of Mayor’s Question Time, which commences at 10.00am. They will be joined at the demonstration by Labour politicians and other campaign supporters.
During the three-month-long public consultation process over the cuts, which concluded yesterday, the mayor refused to attend any of the public meetings held by the London fire authority, instead leaving it to the commissioner of the London Fire Brigade to face the wrath of the public. The mayor has also refused to meet with the FBU to hear the union’s concerns.
The union’s executive council member for London, Ian Leahair, said: “Boris Johnson has been trying to avoid firefighters ever since his planned cuts were announced. Now he can’t avoid us any longer. We will be going to City Hall to tell him that his cuts are reckless and wrong. They would lead to an increase in response times for millions of Londoners – a point conceded by the commissioner – and would inevitably cost lives.
“We have recently seen two incidents where casualties trapped in serious fires were rescued with seconds to spare by firefighters from stations on the mayor’s hit list. Had the cuts already taken effect, those individuals would almost certainly have died.
“There is widespread hostility to the cuts. Boris Johnson’s own fire authority has voted against them, as has the GLA and several local authorities – Conservative ones among them. We have also seen massive public opposition to the cuts.
“The mayor should abandon his plans immediately, and let London’s firefighters get on with the business of providing the world-class fire service that the capital deserves.”
Rahul Patel 07956 579466
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Anti-squatting laws and the coming crackdown on occupations A letter in today’s Guardian voices the concerns of unionists, students and MPs about possible new squatting laws
Anti-squatting laws and the coming crackdown on occupations
A letter in today’s Guardian voices the concerns of unionists, students and MPs about possible new squatting laws. Here’s the full story.
It’s been less than a year since it became a criminal offence to take shelter in abandoned residential buildings, but it appears that the government is concerned that they haven’t yet caused enough misery and distress to homeless people. It’s looking increasingly likely that new proposals to extend the criminalisation of squatting to non-residential properties may be brought forward by the end of the year. As well as the disastrous impacts that this will have on those who rely on squatting to provide themselves with a home, these moves are likely to outlaw occupation as a political tactic, with wide-reaching implications for our right to protest.
It’s been less than a year since it became a criminal offence to take shelter in abandoned residential buildings, but it appears that the government is concerned that they haven’t yet caused enough misery and distress to homeless people. It’s looking increasingly likely that new proposals to extend the criminalisation of squatting to non-residential properties may be brought forward by the end of the year. As well as the disastrous impacts that this will have on those who rely on squatting to provide themselves with a home, these moves are likely to outlaw occupation as a political tactic, with wide-reaching implications for our right to protest.
What can we do?
The best thing would be if proposals are never brought forward, as it
will be much more difficult to defeat something at voting stage. We need
to show them that this law will be unpopular and unworkable. Some
things you can do:
1) Write to your MP and raise your concerns. MPs are being asked to
tell Grayling what they think, so it’s worth trying to get your one to
respond. There’s a sample email here.2) If you are a member of a student union, trade union or anti-cuts group, talk to your group about endorsing this letter
3) Sign this petition calling for the repeal of section 144, the law making residential squatting criminal.
4) Get in touch with Squash if you’d like to help with our work – info[at]
5) Stay tuned for updates and information, and make sure others know about it.The best thing would be if proposals are never brought forward, as it will be much more difficult to defeat something at voting stage. We need to show them that this law will be unpopular and unworkable. Some things you can do
Camden town protest against one housing anti squatter pro bedroom tax
12 oclock Friday the 21st Roundhouse Camden Town protest against Onehousing group anti-squatter pro bedroom tax, cut staff pay, sambaband next to the roundhouse support by Unite the union. Fight austerity!
Our Railway, on track for a brighter future" Wednesday 19th June 7.30 Friends Meeting House Derby
"Our Railway, on track for a brighter future"
Wednesday 19th June 7.30
Friends Meeting House
All welcome.
Nadine Rae, from the TSSA railway union, and Peter Robinson from Derby
Climate Coalition, both active in Action For Rail.
Last week Action For Rail launched The Great Train Robbery an independent report by the CRESC team at the University of Manchester, part-funded by the TUC. This got widespread media coverage. Have a look at the piece in the Guardian by Aditya Chakrabortty the Guardian which exposes the Richard Branson as the supreme carpet-bagger.
At Action For Rail are organising a seminar on Tuesday,
at the TUC week, with Professor Karel Williams from CRESC and a range
of other academics, MPs, think tanks, unions and researchers to get
together to consider where we go with rail and what the options are for
public ownership and other alternatives to the current system which is
clearly not working for passengers or taxpayers. Nadine and Peter are
attending the seminar and will feed snippets into the discussion.
Have a look at the Websites, 17 June 2013
Friday, 14 June 2013
National Rally Against Road-building in Combe Valley on Sat 13 July, backed by Greenpeace, the RSPB and others.
National Rally Against Road-building in Combe Valley on Sat 13 July, backed by Greenpeace, the RSPB and others. Be there! CHD
Against Repression solidarity benefit fri 14 th June
Against repression Solidarity Benefit Nite this Fri 14th June! 9pm-late. Militant Live Hip Hop: C.U.B.A. Cabbal Ft. LeleProx, Logic MC, Caxton Press, Wildeye Ft. Enreset., D.J's, * Hip Hop* Jungle * Drum 'n' Bass * Reggae * Dubstep*, In support of families & friends fighting 4justice 4 those killed in police custody in UK, and Marina,Alberto,Francesco & Ines jailed for anti-G8 protests in Genoa 2001. £5 don., Info Line: 07466 823 772, pass it on!!
Thursday, 13 June 2013
No to the bedroom tax meeting June 7th Camden town hall
No to evictions say no to the bedroom tax public meeting tues 18th June 7 pm Camden town hall Jud st wc1h 9 je network it network it
Phoenix on Russia today about g8 slammed out the info check it
Channel 4 News on G8 protests interview Jamie Occupy supporter
Channel 4 News
Jamie explains the many reasons for G8 protest
chanel 4
Jamie explains the many reasons for G8 protest
chanel 4
Phoenix on bbc radio On G8 protest rinsing Mr.BBC on loss of civilrights
Hi Phoenix,
Thanks for the interview yesterday.
I think it defiantly livened up the programme and you managed to get your point across successfully.
Here is the link for the programme, you just have to move the timer along to the end of the show and you are there.( 150.33 mins starts)
Thanks again,
Jason Rosam
Broadcast Journalist
BBC London 94.9
Thanks for the interview yesterday.
I think it defiantly livened up the programme and you managed to get your point across successfully.
Here is the link for the programme, you just have to move the timer along to the end of the show and you are there.( 150.33 mins starts)
Thanks again,
Jason Rosam
Broadcast Journalist
BBC London 94.9
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
The death of legal aid and the rule of law Schnews tells it how it is goodbye uk justice system
UK police scuffle with anti-G8 protesters - Europe - Al Jazeera English
UK police scuffle with anti-G8 protesters - Europe - Al Jazeera English
A bit more balanced coverage on today's protests from Al Jazeera
A bit more balanced coverage on today's protests from Al Jazeera
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Mass of riot cops at Beak st W1 outside g8 convergence centre
Monday, 10 June 2013
Carnival #J11 and #theyoweus at canary wharf #j14
@OccupyLondon: Tomorrow #J11 across London @stopG8UK and #theyoweus at Canary Wharf on #j14 #allofthemmustgo #olsx
Occupied Taksim: Istanbul Rising - Vice News Documentary network it
Occupied Taksim: Istanbul Rising - Vice News Documentary: A documentary covering certain stages of the revolts.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Global skills xchange skills from global protest movement on this weekend and week!/events/241761602632073?full&ref=m_notif¬if_t=plan_mall_activity&__user=571230799
Friday, 7 June 2013
Squatters legal network advise NO COMMENT if arrested for squatting
If you get arrested for squatting. Don't talk to the police. Call the squatters legal network for support: 07925769858 and give a NO COMMENT interview. Do not plead guilty! Fill the homes not the prisons! Please forward widely
Bilderberg conference hits mainstream media bbc coverage
VICTORY! Bilderberg hit mainstream press BIG TIME today. Now get ready for biggest gathering on the planet this weekend: the People's BILDERBERG FRINGE FESTIVAL. Gather instruments & voices and get down to the Grove Hotel, Watford. FREE ENTRY, FREE VEGAN FOOD. Site open 8am-8pm Fri & Sat, afterparties till midnight at Kings Lodge Hotel. Sunday site open 8am-2pm, afterparty at GROVE HOTEL. To perform, speak or host a workshop, text me or speak to festival steward on arrival. Saturday speakers include MICHAEL MEACHER MP (tbc), DAVID ICKE & ALEX JONES. There is no where more exciting to be. Campsite & travel details at **ONE LOVE TO YOU ALL**
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
#J11 Carnival Against Capitalism #J11: Carnival in the West End of London June 11th
#J11 Carnival Against Capitalism
#J11: Carnival in the West End of London
11 June 2013. #J11.
One Common Struggle.
Carnival Against Capitalism.
Read on for the #J11 call-out. Also check out the #J11 action map of the West End, with 100 addresses of power, tyranny, and exploitation. Click on the map to download and zoom in. There is also an online map with further info (still being added to). For more background on the map and capitalist London read this.
#J11: Carnival in the West End of London
11 June 2013. #J11.
One Common Struggle.
Carnival Against Capitalism.
Read on for the #J11 call-out. Also check out the #J11 action map of the West End, with 100 addresses of power, tyranny, and exploitation. Click on the map to download and zoom in. There is also an online map with further info (still being added to). For more background on the map and capitalist London read this.
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