
Reality Check: Could legalising cannabis raise £1bn? - BBC News

Reality Check: Could legalising cannabis raise £1bn? - BBC News

Reality Check: Could legalising cannabis raise £1bn?

A police officer with a cannabis plantImage copyrightDURHAM CONSTABULARY
The claim: The Liberal Democrat manifesto says that legalising cannabis would raise £1bn for the Exchequer.
Reality Check verdict: £1bn seems like a reasonable estimate, although most of the figures used to make it are based on uncertain figures about currently illegal activities. 
When the Liberal Democrats were in the coalition government, they asked the Treasury to work out a costing for this policy.
It was never published, but was obtained by the BBC's Newsnight programme in 2015
It estimated that 2.2 million people aged 16 to 59 had used cannabis the previous year - smoking a total of 216 tonnes.
It looked at a report from the Institute for Social and Economic Research, which estimated that legalising cannabis could raise tax revenues of between £400m and £900m in England and Wales.
Adding the benefits from things such as reduced police and court costs would take that up to between £500m and £1.25bn a year.

OCCUPY DEMOCRACY | Because democracy is in crisis – and we want REAL DEMOCRACY NOW!

OCCUPY DEMOCRACY | Because democracy is in crisis – and we want REAL DEMOCRACY NOW!

Occupy Democracy

Protest against the CPS:

Strong against the powerless and weak against the powerful #CpsToryFraud

  • Stop big money stealing elections
  • Sack the director of the CPS
The director of the CPS, Alison Saunders, has decided not to press charges against thirty Conservative MPs and their agents for mis-reporting their election spending in contravention of the rules governing election spending.  This is despite the extensive investigation conducted by over fifteen police forces, which took over two years to complete,
This decision raises major concerns about the accountability of those with power over us. If the Conservative Party has nothing to hide why did the Electoral Commission complain over a lack of cooperation?
We are calling for a protest gathering in response to CPS decision not to prosecute Tory election fraud. We cannot allow such blatantly biased behaviour go unchallenged with out a response from the forces of democracy. Election fraud is the theft of democracy from all of us by the rich and powerful. By making this decision, the CPS has declared which side they are on. Democracy is degraded when we fail to act on such abuses of power
Background articles and blogs

Why Occupy Democracy?
  • our democracy has been captured by corporations, banks and the wealthy,
  • our political system works in the interests of the 1% and not the 99%,
  • nobody voted for NHS privatisation, fracking, TTIP, the tripling of tuition fees, etc,
  • our parliament is a corrupted and unrepresentative institution
  • ordinary people deserve a fair say in the decisions that affect them,
  • our votes, hard won by previous generations, have little value today,
  • there is an alternative!
We demand:
  • reform of party funding so that members of parliament act in the interests of  those who elect them rather than the 1% who bankroll them,
  • major democratic reform of the media to break the stranglehold of vested interests,
  • a fundamental overhaul of lobbying and the way powerful economic interests inhabit the corridors of power within government,
  • the introduction of proportional representation so that everyone’s vote counts,
  • that MPs should not have conflicts of interests from either paid employment or corporate shareholdings,
  • a citizen-led constitutional convention for real democracy.

Who’s targeting you on Facebook? A browser extension wants your data – Naked Security

Who’s targeting you on Facebook? A browser extension wants your data – Naked Security

Targeting the so-called “dark ads” is a black-box decision, hidden away under the covers at Facebook or other ad-serving social media platforms. The platforms make deals with political ad buyers, who in turn are using analytics – your interests, your location, your age, your gender, and far more. One such ad buyer is Cambridge Analytica – the big-data crunching firm that gained notoriety for what its execs call psychological warfare in both the Trump and Brexit campaigns.
The Observer has been investigating the connection between Cambridge Analytica and the unofficial Leave.EU campaign. Also, The Telegraph has reported that the official Vote Leave campaign spent £3.5m on recruiting Canadian tech company AggregateIQ (AIQ), which likewise specializes in this type of highly targeted Facebook advertising.
Who Targets Me? will shine some much-needed light on this activity, said Dr Thevoz:
Traditionally, when you print a leaflet, there’s a physical copy that’s there for all to see. Online ads vanish without a trace, potentially making them a haven for the dark arts of politics. This project shines a much-needed light on the hidden side of electioneering.
Who Targets Me? co-founder Jeffers:
For the good of our democracy, it’s time to throw some light on this dark and unregulated area of campaign spending. Facebook advertising is highly targeted and tailored to the recipient, battle-tested for effectiveness, yet invisible to anyone but the end user. There are no spending limits on digital ads, despite strict legal controls in other areas of campaign expenditure. It gives big money a strong voice in our elections.
The activists are asking UK voters to install a Google Chrome extension to collect data on what ads they see in their feed. It will classify those ads according to party.
The project launched earlier this month. As of May 7, the group was well on its way to signing up participants in nearly all of the UK’s constituencies:

Top UK fund manager divests from fossil fuels | Environment | The Guardian

Top UK fund manager divests from fossil fuels | Environment | The Guardian

Steam rises from the cooling towers at a coal-fired power station.
 Steam rises from the cooling towers at a coal-fired power station. Photograph: John Giles/PA
One of Britain’s biggest managers of ethical funds is to dump £20m of shares in fossil fuel companies in one of the biggest divestments so far because of climate change.
Shares in BHP Billiton, the Anglo-Australian mining giant, will be among those sold by BMO Global Asset Management’s range of “responsible” funds, which manage £1.5bn of assets. They were previously known as the “stewardship” funds, the first ethical funds launched in Britain.

Sunday 14 May 2017

Campaign group to challenge UK over surrender of passwords at border control | Politics | The Guardian

Campaign group to challenge UK over surrender of passwords at border control | Politics | The Guardian

Muhammad Rabbani
 Muhammad Rabbani at the offices of Cage in London. He has been detained at least 20 times over the past decade when entering the UK. Photograph: Richard Saker for the Observer
The human rights group Cage is preparing to mount a legal challenge to UK anti-terrorism legislation over a refusal to hand over mobile and laptop passwords to border control officials at air terminals, ports and international rail stations.
Cage, which campaigns on issues such as torture, discrimination and wrongful imprisonment, is planning to fight the issue as a surveillance v privacy test case.

General election 2017: 'Robin Hood tax' on City pledged by Labour - BBC News

General election 2017: 'Robin Hood tax' on City pledged by Labour - BBC News

General election 2017: 'Robin Hood tax' on City pledged by Labour

Campaigner for so-called Robin Hood tax, dressed as Robin Hood, stands outside parliament, 2010Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThere has been a long-running campaign to introduce a so-called Robin Hood tax around the world
Labour says it would raise billions of pounds for public services with a new tax on financial transactions - known as a "Robin Hood" tax.
The party said extending the way shares were taxed and closing a loophole would bring in up to £26bn in the next Parliament, if it won the election.