
Thursday 25 December 2014

Love activists doing Xmas dinner for homeless outside illegally evicted love HQ today spread the word bring donations and cheer

Love activists doing Xmas dinner for homeless outside illegally evicted love HQ today spread the word bring donations and cheer.they want to contact food not bombs and beats n streets.please bring hot food the battle for homes for all,an homes not banks continues.despite the illegal eviction as the injunction did not allow bailiff to remove people.the quest for Xmas dinner continues....let them eat Xmas came.the offshore companies lawyers bribed the judge around midnight to change the order saying they should be allowed back in for Xmas dinner.even that order was illegally disregarded by the police.we are considering judicial review or legal action of the unfair and illegal actions of bailiffs,police and legal systemOn chrustmas eve.Mr.Scrooge is alive and well in the Tory tyranny condemned government of Britain 2014.whatever they say squatting will stay,repeal the anti residential squat law viva the resistance happy solstice merry Christmas share the food,share the empty buildings,share the world 

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