
Wednesday 29 August 2012

SchNEWS - Building Resistance organising opposition to new anti-squat law

Building Resistance

organising opposition to new anti-squat law 


The date the new anti-squatting law comes into force in English and Welsh law has been set for September 1st. The Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS) have issued a warning and a call to arms: “We are going to need to be more organised and look after each other better. We will need legal back-up available on the street, and people will need help moving quickly and storing their possessions. We need networks, linked up with others resisting evictions and attacks on housing rights.
The Eviction Resistance Network (ER) have emerged to counter to the new law and new enforcement techniques. They have already mobilised big numbers to resist several evictions, and their phoneline is open 24/7.
As SQUASH and ASS are attempting to demystify the new law in terms of who'll be affected, and how best to protect yourself (see the links below), there have been signs that the police might be trying to evict people already in situ in long-term squats come the law change. ER have reported that sections of the new law have been posted on the doors of residential squats in East London by over-eager cops. Whether this is a pre-emptive eviction notice, or just plain intimidation, is hard to tell. New laws are not legally supposed to be applied retrospectively.
As SchNEWS has previously reported, illegal evictions have been occurring in Brighton as property owners and authorities get ahead of themselves. Similar events are reportedly happening in Bristol, where residential squats are being thrown out before the law change, along with non-residential property- such as the former building society premises that was illegally attacked by Avon and Somerset police on August 15th.
Gung-ho policing means that the legal stuff is worth getting to grips with, as you'll need the info on why your place is legal to shout at incoming police. The ambiguity of the law (e.g. residential squatting is illegal, non-residential legal) suggests that application of the law will be muddled, and cops are easily confused. Also worthwhile reading is the Code of Practice of High Court Enforcement Officers, which, amongst other stipulations, states they must act in a “professional, calm and dignified manner... with discretion and fairness” and not allow debtors to threaten violence.
Squatters rights activists are gearing up in other ways. ASS are holding a meeting on Monday 27th of August. Squattastic are also getting together around the second week of September (date TBC) to discuss and organise. Brighton locals SNOB have called for an action to take place at 2pm, October 13th at Victoria Square Gardens, Brighton.
Solidarity is the name of the game.
There's also around 420,000 empty commercial properties in the country. Make of that what you will.
The squatting law is only the start of it. This summer we've also witnessed exposes on dodgy landlords and 'beds in sheds', rapidly increasing rents, government plans to lift rules on affordable housing in new build developments - while 1.8 million families wallow on affordable housing waiting lists, housing benefit caps forcing low-income workers out their homes, Olympic gentrification of London boroughs, a 25% per cent increase in homelessness ...
This year has seen the quagmire of the housing crisis cruelly exacerbated by Tory 'screw the poor' thinking from all directions. Not surprising from ministers more concerned with the profits of their development and financier chums than kids in cramped and mouldy high rises– property firms donated a total of over £3.3 million to the Conservatives in the three years leading up to last autumn.
However the gravity of the situation has led to a boom in grassroots organising against evictions and wider housing rights issues from those within the rental sector. Active groups around the country are fighting for better housing and tenancy rights with mutual aid, addressing individual and community struggles against the backdrop of the need for radical change in the housing market. Together, they could constitute the embryo of a wider grassroots housing rights movement that the country sorely needs.
New group Housingforthe99 have the stated aim of campaigning against rip-off rents and for secure and affordable tenancies. After demonstrating against the Olympics' bogus claims that affordable housing would be one of the Games' legacies, the group also targeted the National Landlords Association- who represent over a million landlords, lobbying against regulation and advocating insecure tenancies. A Solfed action at the end of July saw dodgy letting agents Victorstone forced to reimburse three renters from Bethnal Green over £1200 that they'd tried to steal even though the deal, and the house, fell through. Local groups include Haringey Solidarity Group, Hackney Housing Group and Bristol Housing Action Movement.
Advice for squats vs. the new law:
For an in-depth overview of the housing crisis, see this offering by the anarcho-academics at Corporate Watch
SchNEWS - Direct Action Newsheet meeting thurs 30th 6pm

to nelsn
Hey, so as everyone must know by now the law change is coming into effect
on Saturday the 1st of September.

To discuss how best to support those potentitally affected by the law
change and to defend our homes and find new ones there will be a NELSN
meeting on Thursday the 30th at 6pm.

Text the phone for the venue.07974 978776

Invite your friends, bring your housemates, all squatters welcome.

Autumn Equinox Rainbow Gathering | Rainbow Gathering United Kingdom

Autumn Equinox Rainbow Gathering

Sun, 16/09/2012 - 18:12 to Mon, 15/10/2012 - 12:00
At the vision council of the Summer Solstice Rainbow Gathering of Tribes in Anglesey, we reached consensus to gather at the Autumn Equinox on the North Downs, using Otford at the conjunction of the River Darent and the North Downs as a base for scouting. We will meet on the full moon, the 31st of August, by the last remaining ruined tower of Bishop's Palace, near the duckpond. We will circle in council the following day. We will then follow the process to reach consensus where we will gather. Otford has a direct train connection 25 minutes south from central London. Seed camp will take a nomadic form to begin with. We meet on the morning of Sunday the 9th of September, on the steps of st Paul's Cathedral in the city of London. We will depart at midday and follow the Thames to the mouth of the river Darent and then trace the river towards its source. The walk may take some 5 days at a gentle pace. Come with your cup bowl and spoon, shelter, warm clothes and something for the community, be it a saw, a spade, a wheelbarrow, a pot, a communal structure, a tarp, some rope, some food, something for the magic hat, a musical instrument or an abundance of of love. Seed camp will begin soon after, or even before the end of this walk, so bring your ideas and inspiration. The location of and directions to the gathering will be given here one or two days before the opening ceremony. One love from the Rainbow Family to the Rainbow family

Autumn Equinox Rainbow Gathering | Rainbow Gathering United Kingdom

Birmingham Tenants & Homeless Action Group - What we are doing - UK Indymedia

Birmingham Tenants & Homeless Action Group - What we are doing - UK Indymedia

Birmingham direct action housing hopefully this inspires many groups to take direct action and help house their communities.

Friday 24 August 2012

Round up the homeless/squatters govt report says 350 to 4,200 could be imprisoned per year

If justice secretary Ken Clarke has his way, squatting in residential
property will soon be a criminal offence with those found guilty
facing a fine of up to £5,000 or a prison sentence of a year – perhaps

Although the coalition government has made no secret of its desire to
criminalise squatting, the proposals are being quietly introduced by
way of an amendment to the legal aid, sentencing and punishment of
offenders bill.

We are in an economic climate where jobs are being lost and public
sector spending cuts are biting. There is a shortage of affordable
housing, whether rented or owned, and rising levels of child poverty.
Proposed restrictions on welfare benefits will only serve to
exacerbate the problem: research suggests that up to 133,000 workless
households in London will be unable to pay their rent under the

Recently the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at
Sheffield Hallam University undertook research on behalf of Crisis
about the nature and extent of squatting. The final report revealed
some interesting and worrying statistics:

• Around 78% of homeless people who squat have approached a local
authority for help, but although recognised as homeless they have not
been entitled to housing because they are not in priority need or are
considered intentionally homeless.

• Many squatters have significant welfare needs: 34% of homeless
people who squat had been in care; 42% had physical ill health or a
disability; 41% reported mental health problems.

• Homeless people who squat occupy empty buildings.

• Squats are often in poor condition, lacking running water, heating
and electricity, with damp, broken windows and unsafe stairwells.

Given the current levels of housing shortage, is it really wrong for
empty properties to be used in this way when the alternative is a life
on the streets? Should the state be paying for the consequences of
criminalising the actions of those in desperate housing need?

The government has produced an impact assessment specifically for the
proposed new offence of squatting, which suggests that there could be
between 350 and 4,200 defendants accused of the offence in any one
year. Given that the vast majority of squatters will have no financial
means with which to pay a fine, prison may well be the only viable
option left open to the courts. It is therefore quite conceivable that
the prison population (and attendant cost to the state) will continue
to grow. In times of austerity, is that responsible?

Thursday 23 August 2012

News from the squat frontline -Uk Govt declares war on the homeless,poor and dispossessed.

The new law on criminalising the homeless,trespass and squatting in residential buildings comes into effect from Sept 1st.2012
There is a meeting this monday 27th august,details on the ASS website

The Eviction Resistance Network (ER) has been doing sterling work to support the squatting community. Please network there details Tel. 07591415860

They have been succesfully resisting several evictions,with large numbers turning up.
We have to improve and strengthen all our networks.Reports have come in from many groups across london and the UK that are now coming together in solidarity to strengthen the resistance.
A Disturbing report the other week of a squat in hackney that was petrol bombed with people severly hurt and burnt.It is still not clear if this was an anti-squat hate crime stirred up by the last years hate campaign by right wing media.

Info from the Bristol network BHAM the Bristol Housing Action Network of illegal evictions of non residential property and that the police have already begun to evict residential squats before the law has been enacted.
In Birmingham the food not bombs group has reported via Indymedia that many homeless people (up to 10) have been rounded up and arrested.

There will be the next Squattastic event around Sunday Sept 9th (date to be confirmed)
Time to come together and organise some action and resistance.

The most concerning report from (ER)is that the Police in the east end of London have been posting the section of the new law on existing residential squat doors.A threat or a warning? Will they attempt to evict residential squats that have already been occupied for some time,as the new law states they can.
Time will tell, a law should not work retrospectively,( ref the SOCPA law to remove Brian Haw from Parliament square,as he was there before the law was passed said the Appeal Judge)
There will be a European Court of Human Rights challenge to this law as it contravenes our Human rights.The right to a family life as well as the basic human right to shelter.

One thing is for sure we will need to build links across all the groups that oppose this government and this law,students,lawyers, unions,workers etc for we must all stand up together at the same time.
There should be a campaign launched to repeal The Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO)
Michael Mansfield QC at a recent Legal Aid Lawyers Award ended his speech with the stirring words "the uprising is on,let battle commence"

There are ancient rights in this country to have somewhere to live,to shelter in abandoned and derelict property is not a crime,empty buildings while people freeze to death on the streets is the crime.There are nearly a million empty buildings in the UK.
This government of the millionaires are the criminals.The 1% cannot hide in their Ivory Towers forever as the 99% rise up to take back the common wealth and share it out.
Love and Resistance ,Land and Freedom Phoenix

NATIONAL DEMO - London, Weds 21 Nov - #Demo2012 - UK Indymedia

NATIONAL DEMO - London, Weds 21 Nov - #Demo2012 - UK Indymedia
 The National Union of Students (NUS) has announced the date for its national demonstration against education cuts, tuition fee rises and student debt - 21st Nov 2012. EVERYONE has been and is being robbed by bank-bailouts, by austerity and privatisation, so EVERYONE should join this action. The NUS demo comes only four weeks after the massive 20 Oct TUC demonstration. We need to make sure the TUC demo is a launch pad for further action in the run-up to Nov 21. We need to learn from the protest movements in Quebec and Chile. We need to think positive, plan for the long-haul, and keep up the pressure for as long as it takes for the tax-criminals who planned austerity to starting losing their bottle.

Student bloc at #oct20 -

#Demo2012 National -
#Demo2012 Bradford -
#Demo2012 Sheffield -
#Demo2012 March on Parliament -


SUGGESTIONS FOR NOV 21 - Have fun, but don't get kettled! Keep moving, stay alert, keep turning round, keep looking over your shoulders and over people's heads to see what the cops are up to nearby, in the distance and especially behind you. If you see the cops forming a line near or behind you move quickly to avoid being kettled, and don't be shy - shout LOUDLY to get people moving if you see a police line forming. Be constantly aware that some cops are very savvy and will sneak-up when crowds are distracted, so keep looking over your shoulders, especially when you see or hear something exciting that attracts your attention (on 24 Nov 2010 hundreds of kettled demonstrators missed an escape through street maintenance works, because they were distracted by the activity and noise around the police bait van and weren't searching-out weaknesses in police lines). If the cops try to usher you into a gap in their lines, it might be a kettle - don't go through unless you can definitely see a clear exit on the other side.

Take cameras and film the cops to discourage police violence and to record evidence of arrests and assaults. Point cameras at cops faces at every available opportunity (even when you're not actually filming). If you see someone arrested, constantly film the cops shoulder ID numbers and faces, shout out their ID numbers and don't stop hassling them - it doesn't always work but on many occasions this has led to protestors being released in-situ. If you post images or videos of arrests or of active disruption on-line, blur or edit-out any images or audio that could be used to identify and victimise protestors from their faces or voices. Brightly coloured home-made banners draw the attention of press photographers and TV, but what the media really love are images of violence, so beware of trolls and agent-provocateurs, online and on the streets. The State has been using agent-provocateurs to justify repression since Home Office plant George Edwards set-up the Cato Street Conspiracy in 1820, and they're definitely still doing it -


For an Autumn of Resistance

The National Union of Students (NUS) has announced the date for its national demonstration against education cuts, tuition fee rises and student debt as November, 21st 2012. The demonstration was called on the back of a substantial vote at April national conference that fed off the mood, both in the room and within the movement: students want to take on the government over its Further and Higher education policy and over austerity.

A lot has changed since the last national demonstration organised by the NUS back in November 2010. That ‘hot autumn’ gave the trade union movement the confidence to march half a million strong in March that subsequent year, and strike over 2 million strong in November of the same year. The reciprocal relationship that students and the trade unions have must be the thread that runs through our preparations for the upcoming term.

To merely approach this November as a ‘re-run’ would be a cruel parody of the rage and anger that was shown on that demonstration back in November 2010. The vital experiences of both Chile and Quebec have shown how far students can go. In Quebec, a proposed raise to tuition fees has led to an explosion of student militancy which has seen over 100 days of education strikes and campus shutdowns. For our student movement, the bar has been raised.

In 2010, the students alone brought the Government to within twenty-one votes of defeat and showed that only a few months into their term, there was a visible and angry section of the British youth that were totally opposed to the Coalition. But since 2010, the trade union movement has stepped onto the streets and onto picket lines to show that same opposition to the Coalition government. That is why students’ unions and the NUS should be a part of the TUC October 20th protest, ‘For a Future that Works’.

We cannot wait for the new term to begin before unions start the preparations for this autumn. The work must start now to book coaches and form organising committees for the autumn demonstrations on our on our campuses. Our Unions need to be central to cultivating a culture of resistance on our campuses.

We know that a one off protest will not be enough to win – to do that, we need to fuse our movement to the trade unions, building ever stronger links, as students did when they joined picket lines and rallies on November 30th, 2011. We will need to work with unofficial grassroots organisations to organise and reach those who traditionally are left behind by NUS. We will need days of action, in the lead up to November 21st, to cultivate that resistance and set in motion the process that can make sure that Education is not the defining debate in the 2015 election, but the defining grievance that leads to our movement bringing down the Government.

Quoted from Nathan Bolton (University of Essex Students Union) F**k the Trolls

Food riots predicted over US crop failure - Features - Al Jazeera English

The world is on the brink of a food "catastrophe" caused by the worst US drought in 50 years, and misguided government biofuel policy will exacerbate the perilous situation, scientists and activists warn.
When food prices spike and people go hungry, violence soon follows, they say. Riots caused by food shortages - similar to those of 2007-08 in countries like Bangladesh, Haiti, the Philippines and Burkina Faso among others - may be on the horizon, threatening social stability in impoverished nations that rely on US corn imports.
This summer's devastating drought has scorched much of the mid-western United States - the world's bread basket.
Crops such as corn, wheat, and soy have been decimated by high temperatures and little rain. Grain prices have skyrocketed and concerns abound the resulting higher food prices will hit the world's poor the hardest - sparking violent demonstrations.
Early dryness in Russia's wheat growing season, light monsoon rains in India, and drought in Africa's Sahel region, combined with America's lost crop, mean a perfect storm is on the horizon.
Surging food prices could kick off food riots similar to those in 2008 and 2010, Professor Yaneer Bar-Yam, president of the New England Complex Systems Institute, told Al Jazeera.
"Recent droughts in the mid-western United States threaten to cause global catastrophe," said Bar-Yam, whose institute uses computer models to identify global trends.
Hopes were high in May of a bumper corn crop this year, but sizzling temperatures in June and July scuttled those predictions. US corn yields are now expected to be the lowest in 17 years.
The United States accounted for 39 per cent of global trade in corn in 2011-12. Stockpiles are now down 48 per cent, according to the US Department of Agriculture. Corn prices have shot up 60 per cent since June 15.
Corn is a primary staple in Sub-Saharan Africa, and in much of Central and South America. In South Africa, the cost of maize has increased about 40 per cent in the last year, even before the US drought struck.
Bar-Yam highlighted the food riots of 2007-08 and 2010-11 that were fuelled by sudden and dramatic spikes in food prices. He said his institute recently entered data from the US drought into its computer model, which predicted the outbreak of food-related unrest "in a short period of time".
"When people are unable to feed themselves and their families, widespread social disruption occurs," Bar-Yam said. "We are on the verge of another crisis, the third in five years, and likely to be the worst yet, capable of causing new food riots and turmoil on a par with the Arab Spring."
Food riots predicted over US crop failure - Features - Al Jazeera English

Largest Building-Integrated Wind Power System in U.S. Installed in Oklahoma City : TreeHugger

The largest building-integrated wind power system in the U.S. is now spinning on the roof of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF), thanks to a collaboration between Venger Wind and SWG Energy.

Venger Wind installed a series of 18 vertical axis wind turbines (their own V2 model) as a part of OMRF's sustainability strategy of producing zero-emission energy in their new research tower in Oklahoma City. The 18.5' tall omni-directional V2 turbines are rated at 4.5 kw, begin generating electricity at wind speeds of 8.9 mph (below the city's annual average wind speed), and the project is a good example of what is possible with small wind power integrated into building designs.

Police arresting homeless in Birmingham - UK Indymedia

Another aspect of the rounding up of the homeless,poor and dispossessed that will increase with the changes in the law coming in  sept,which make squatting in residential properties illegal.
Police arresting homeless in Birmingham - UK Indymedia

Wishlist for Diggers 2012 camp

Wishlist for Diggers 2012 camp
Wishlist «
As well as people to come and stay,the camp would especially like spades,plants, an inverter for the big solar panels we have.Also climbing harness and torches would be good.
Please network this list on to any of the old or new protest,permaculture,Climate camp or Occupy networks.
Dig in for Victory.

Avaaz - Stop the Serengeti Sell-off

 At any moment, a big-game hunting corporation could sign a deal which would force up to 48,000 members of Africa’s famous Maasai tribe from their land to make way for wealthy Middle Eastern kings and princes to hunt lions and leopards. Experts say the Tanzanian President’s approval of the deal may be imminent, but if we act now, we can stop this sell-off of the Serengeti.

The last time this same corporation pushed the Maasai off their land to make way for rich hunters, people were beaten by the police, their homes were burnt to a cinder and their livestock died of starvation. But when a press controversy followed, Tanzanian President Kikwete reversed course and returned the Maasai to their land. This time, there hasn’t been a big press controversy yet, but we can change that and force Kikwete to stop the deal if we join our voices now.

If 150,000 of us sign, media outlets in Tanzania and around the world will be blitzed so President Kikwete gets the message to rethink this deadly deal. Sign the petition now and send to everyone.
Avaaz - Stop the Serengeti Sell-off

Free Pussy Riot Flashmob

Free Pussy Riot! Flashmob
Outside Churchill Square, Brighton
August 16, 2012 @ 19:00

Does what it says on the tin, a flashmob to show Brighton solidarity with Pussy Riot and to add our voices to the call to free them on the eve of their sentencing.

The plan:

Invite as many people as you can to join in with this - it's a non-partisan event and is purely aimed at showing solidarity and doing something a bit attention grabbing in the spirit of Pussy Riot.
If you plan to take part, get yourself a balaclava - a woolly hat with eye and mouth holes cut in will do.
On the day, put on your most lurid clothing and head to Churchill Square and be there just before 19.00. Keep your balaclava hidden at this point.
At dead on 19.00, balaclavas on and dance to Pussy Riot's punk prayer like your life depends on it. When the song finishes, balaclavas off and disperse. (this should only be a couple of minutes of dancing)

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Good for a laugh - FESTIVAL SONG

Good for a laugh -Kind of sums up the way commercial festivals have gone after the government suppressed the massive Free festival movement.

'Robin Hood of Spain' runs food raids on supermarkets - World - DNA

'Robin Hood of Spain' runs food raids on supermarkets - World - DNA

Spanish  Mayor leads raids on super markets to feed the poor.
Land occupations of large estates planting food and calling for fairer land distribution.Way to go spanish team.
We send support and salute you from the Diggers of Britain,dig in for victory.The uprising spreads acros the Globe day by day.

War on the Homeless and Dispossessed begins a new phase

66 Queen Square, site of tonight's illegal eviction by Avon & Somerset police
Illegal eviction resistance tonight in Queen Square, Bristol
Roughly 15 young squatters aged from 16 up to about 22 were illegally evicted late last night

There has been an illegal eviction tonight by Avon & Somerset police of 66 Queen Square, a former Building Society, in Bristol City Centre - several people are resisting on the roof overnight - support is needed tonight and tomorrow - including food, water, rope and clothing.

This is in the context of senior local police who are itching to use their new-found powers of to criminalise the homeless who squat empty residential properties. However this is a commercial property so the police cannot use the new laws criminalising homeless people in this case.

The squat was the subject of an article in the local Daily Mail owned Northcliffe paper The Post last week.

Inaccuracies in that article include:

The individuals & photograph used in the Western Daily Press having nothing to do with these squatters

There being only two out of fifteen of the Queen Square squatters from the Clifton Mansion squat
This and other illegal evictions of residential squats in Bristol,along with the petrol bombing the other week of a squat in Hackney, mark the begginning of a new wave of repression on the poor,dispossessed and homeless in this country.

American Autumn: an Occudoc (full length)

Intresting film on the Occupy Movement
written, produced & directed by Dennis Trainor, Jr
contact dennistrainorjr (at) gmail (dot) com

Thursday 9 August 2012

The Thrive Movement -WATCH THIS FILM

Watch the Thrive film and Network it.
This incredible film creating a movement of solutions for a sustainable future.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Another sat 11th party tip

The art of psychedelia OUTDOOR you with 3 stages on Saturday 11th of august Psytrance/Drum & Bass/lounge music !!!check our event page Infolines will be sent to you closer to the dates
Amazing live acts and DJs
Light and visual show
Full outdoor production is expected !!! Pass it on to your friends and get ready to rave it hard in the nature..
Pass it on to your friends
see you all soon

Saturday party tip- forest adventure

Forest Adventure
+PsyTrance Stage
+Camping Area
+Chai/Coffee hut
Pass it on to your friends!

Open day at Runnymede Eco Village sat Aug 11th

You're invited to an open day this Saturday at Runnymede Eco Village, near Egham, from 12 noon till 7 p.m. We'll have workshops including pottery, wild food & structure building. All ages welcome. Food and hot drinks available. Bring a tent and stay a night or two if you like. Its all free though we gratefully recieve donations. Call 07963 475 195 or check www.diggers2012.Wordpress.Com for map directions.

Week 7 report from Runnymede by True Levellers

Week 7 report from Runnymede
by True Levellers
Its been 7 weeks since we arrived on the disused land at the ex-Brunel university, Runnymede Campus. Since then we have been busy building an eco-village community based on sustainable methods. This is our latest regular report.

We’re also gearing up for a ‘Little Green Gathering’ from Saturday 11th August until Sunday 12th August. We’ll be laying on several workshops, film screenings, talks, fireside entertainment and wild food. Stay tuned for more info.

Friday 3 August 2012

Message from the mayan oracle tune in crew.

Message from the mayan oracle tune in crew.New Baktun cycle coming
"Ok can you gather and tune in at 4.27 this full moon and on into the days to come calling in divine intervention and support for humanity in the shift towards unity consciousness".
This is important to tune in with the accelerating shift into unity.
one love raise the vibration across the world.